Title: Walking With A Ghost (5/7)
IrisayamePairing: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13 for the first chapters, NC-17 for the last.
Length: ~ 24000+
Spoiler: Uh, none really, but let's say season 1?
Summary: When Rachel dies, she returns as a ghost. She doesn't know what to do, let alone what's keeping her on earth, until she discovers that Quinn
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Comments 1
Rachel's excitement for her own funeral really isn't that surprising, but I do wonder if this will be when she moves on...if she can.
Rachel wanting to touch Quinn and Quinn admitting to wanting Rachel to be able to touch her is just about the most heartbreaking thing in this entire story.
When they touch...and I hope they do (they freakin better!) I am going to do SUCH a happy dance! :-D
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