Goodbye Ten

Jan 03, 2010 19:36

Well, I've now seen The End of Time, Pts 1 and 2...

I don't think I've ever been sadder to see someone leave a show. David Tennant was my Doctor. The first Who I ever saw was Tooth and Claw. Ten came before Nine for me. DT is a large part of why I got into Who and continue to watch. And his performance in tEoT2 was stunning. I did cry when he regenerated. You could see how much being The Doctor meant to him. Who is definitely changed.

Part 2 was much better than Part 1. Aside from the over-long goodbye bit (and wtf?!?! Martha married Mickey?!?!), I thought it was one of the best episodes they've ever done. And, oh, the twist! Everyone was expecting his regeneration to come about at a different hand. But that is why I love The Doctor, especially DT's version. He had to do it despite the cost.

Even today I'm a bit depressed. I'll never see another new adventure with Ten. My regular DT viewing has been interupted. My plan is to watch some of my favorite episodes. Tonight's is The Unicorn and The Wasp. I watched Blink two nights ago. Tooth and Claw and Doomsday are in the line up along with Human Nature and The Family of Blood. Hopefully, by the time Eleven's season reaches my TV, i'll be excited for it.

Speaking of Eleven, I'm happy with him so far. Matt Smith's post-regeneration Doctor was Ten enough to show that Doctor is still in him, but he's his own man. The upcoming season looks great - I'm super excited about the Weeping Angels being in the promo. And if my guess is right, the new companion looks like she might be some fun. I still have my fantasy casting ideas in my head, but I'll go with what the DW team has cooked up. And now that DT's free, maybe we can get someone to make a BBC miniseries of Catherine Webb's Horatio Lyle books with him in the lead.

And that bit with Rose? I nearly fell off the sofa because of a fic I just wrote. There's the memory he changed without her! RTD, I think you and I need to have a chat...

Well, goodbye Tenth Doctor. I will miss you.

ten, david tennant, doctor who

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