stupid girls

Mar 23, 2005 16:30

today was really strange because last night leah hooked up with this stupid guy and im kinda pissed at her she always chooses the potheads and i kinda shouted at her on the phone this morning so shes not talking to me know girls can be so wierd sometimes i guess thats why most of my friends are guys some ppl call me a slut cause im always with a ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

jolie_is_mine March 23 2005, 17:27:12 UTC
lol, i get along better with guys too...i always think of them more as brothers then as love interests...girls are just cuter.


ycsuperfreak06 March 23 2005, 17:29:04 UTC
i get along with them too! but then i fall for them....i hate when that happens....


popexv March 23 2005, 17:32:42 UTC
*pretends not to like icon* What the Hell is this katy that is freakin...OMG...ugh


ycsuperfreak06 March 23 2005, 17:34:12 UTC
what? why are you getting upset...i was talking about chris!


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