Title: Blush
Rating: PG 13 for vague references to sex
Pairing: Elijah/Jenna
Disclaimer: Vampire Diaries belongs to L.J Smith and the lovely people who brought it to TV
Summary: Jenna blushes easily - and Elijah exploits this fact, for his own personal gain of course!
Author's Note: Written for
mistress_britt's prompt at
tvd_rareships Weekend Comment Fic Party. A little something different for me. There are references to character death of the multiple kind.
One of the first things Elijah discovers about Jenna is that she blushes easily.
To some, it would be a casual observation.
But to a man like him, it is obvious. Of course it provokes an innate reaction in him. The sight of her blood rushing to her skin causes the monster to stir. He grinds his teeth and ignores his instinct.
He is a gentleman after all.
But he does go out of his way to cause her to blush.
He starts with casual observations - complimenting her on her commitment to the historical society, her ability to find tiny bits of information that are well hidden in dusty old books. Each time her skin tinges pink and he takes it in.
This graduates to perhaps something more personal - he remarks on her hair, her eyes, the way she smiles. In addition to turning a very attractive shade of red, she also gets flustered. He gets more enjoyment out of her stumbling over words than he should.
The final step is, of course, touch. And it is surprisingly easy to touch Jenna Sommers. She is an after thought to many who surround her - it is no wonder she craves attention. He starts simple - fingers brushing across hers when she hands him something, a casual hand to the small of her back to guide her through an open doorway, pressing against her when it seems appropriate. The color of her skin is exquisite and brings forth in ache in him that he will soon satisfy.
Once he realizes she enjoys his touch, he grows bolder - tucking her hair behind her ear, running a hand slowly down the length of her arm, wrapping her against him so the full length of their bodies make contact. He uses his lips too, and although he cannot see the effects (because a real gentleman never opens his eyes when he kisses a lady), he can hear the blood pooling just below her skin.
He is hungry.
Finally, when she is beneath him, skin flushed a brilliant red with the passion he has invoked in her, he indulges. She is too far lost to feel the pain and instead moans in pleasure as he breaks through heated skin.
He drinks deep, enjoying the fruits of his labor.