Title: Midnight; in the library
Rating: PG
Pairing: Damon/Bonnie (ish)
Disclaimer: Vampire Diaries belongs to L.J Smith and the lovely people who brought it to TV
Summary: Bonnie pays Damon a late night visit to let Damon know that she will protect Elena no matter what
Author's Note: Written for
TVD Comment Ficathon Part 2 (Prompt: still has a problem with the whole forcing-Elena-to-drink-vampire-blood-thing) Basically, an excuse to write some snarky banter between the two!
Damon is standing in the library, drink in hand enjoying the precious moment of silence.
The house has become base camp for “Team Find and Rescue Stefan”. For the past few days he has been invaded by human, witch, vampire and once even werewolf (he had made himself pretty clear that Tyler was not welcome after that). Although, he too wants to help his brother he needs a break, some time to regroup.
He has just finished the drink and set the glass down when a piercing pain behind his eyes brings him to his knees. It dissipates quickly but he stays down, groaning as he speaks. “Hello witch.”
“Good evening, Damon,” Bonnie’s voice sounds cheerful, as if she did not just burst various blood vessels in his brain. He can hear her move into the library. Just as he heard her enter the house moments before. Uninvited of course.
He needs another drink.
“And to what do I owe this honor, Glinda the good?” Damon asks as he pulls himself to his feet. When he turns she is leaning against the railing watching him carefully. No doubt ready if he decides to launch himself to pin her against a dusty set of encyclopedias. Almost worth a try.
“I know what you did,” Bonnie answers, eyes narrowed.
Damon cannot help but laugh. “There are a great many things I could have done to provoke your ire, Bonnie. You won’t brain whammy me if I ask you to be more specific, will you?”
“To Elena. I know what you did to Elena,” Bonnie states immediately. She has not moved from her position and does not back away when he
comes to stand at the bottom of the stairs.
With one foot on the first step, he tilts his head to the side. “Do you now? And how exactly did you come by this information?” He takes another step. “No, no, don’t tell me. Let me guess. It was a slumber party. Please tell me it was a slumber party. And after the prerequisite pillow fight in your undies you both confessed your deepest darkest secrets. Did Elena cry as she told you what the Big Bad Damon did to her?” He is standing toe to toe with her now, and wonders if one can wither under the gaze of a judgmental know it all. If so, he should be at her feet. “It amazes me that you never see the bigger picture. I gave her a fighting chance.”
“By taking away her free will,” Bonnie tells him. “You didn’t give her the choice, Damon.”
“You know what else I don’t understand about you, Bennett?” Damon asks as if she hadn’t even spoken at all. “Why you think you need to stick
your nose everywhere? You can’t just sit back and let others solve their own damn problems. What happened between Elena and I is between
Elena and I. Did she tell you that she forgave me? Or was that part conveniently left out between truth or dare and snuggle time?”
“It matters little to me if she has forgiven you or not, Damon. As you said, that is between the two of you,” Bonnie says evenly. She has pushed herself off the railing now, and stands at her full height. There is an elevation in her chin that is all too familiar to him. “I am only here to warn you not try it again. Elena is my best friend, and I love her like a sister.”
“What a good little lap dog you are,” Damon points out and feels a faint tickle in his head. “Oh come now, Bonnie, I am sure there are many that appreciate your unwavering desire to protect Elena.”
“The lengths you would go to protect your brother are the same lengths I will go to protect Elena. Even if it is from herself,” Bonnie steps back. “If Elena wants to continue to believe that deep down you aren’t a heartless bastard then so be it. But I will be watching you…”
“Sounds vaguely kinky.” A more persistent tickle. “Watch away, Bonnie. I am not going to risk losing Elena again.”
“As long as we are clear,” Bonnie turns now, and Damon is content with the knowledge that he will have his peace and quiet back in mere moments.
“I always know where I stand with you, witch,” Damon assures her. He watches her go and only when he hears the faint click of the front door does he smile. He will never admit it out loud but he is glad that Elena has her.
Safe in the knowledge that Elena is protected, he pours himself another drink.