Lil' Young Me...

Dec 17, 2008 17:04

Summary:  This is just me introducing myself. :D 


I'll just go right into it, shall I?  You may call me MissBrooke, Cyn, Irishcyn, Cynthia, Brooke, or make something up.  I'm a college freshman at the best-ish college in the U.S. of A.!  I plan to major in Classics (Ancient Greek and Roman culture/politics/etc.).  I look a lot like my profile picture:  red hair, green eyes, and dressed for winter.

My favorite color alternates between Green, Purple, Silver, and (recently) Light Blue. Why Light Blue has been added will be revealed later as it is quite a story.

My favorite book series are:  Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, Twilight (minus New Moon) by Stephenie Meyers, Pern by Anne McCaffrey, Shannara by Terry Brooks, and Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

My favorite individual books are: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, Piercing the Darkness by Frank Peretti, and Genesis.

My favorite past time is reading fanfiction about my favorite book series. Recently I have been reading mostly Twilight fanfiction with a sprinkling of Harry Potter added in.  I have been a part of the Harry Potter fandom for  ~5.5 years.

All other favorites are non-important at this time.

I play the Alto Saxophone! Been playing it for ~8 years. I'm a slight marching band fanatic. *dances* I love dark chocolate and Kisses.

I think this is where I'll leave it today. It would be a lot more fun to learn about me from the kind of days I have. Well, the kind of days I say I have... ;-)

Love from,


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