1. I've come to realize that my exes: Are pretty much jerks and I want nothing to do with either one of them, no matter how much I miss them.
2. I've come to realize that I talk: the way I am supposed to. Though some people have said that I sound like I come from New Brunswick, so that is probably cause of my accent. Oh yeah, and I talk randomly too, but y'all already knew that!
3. I've come to realize that I love: My cat. She is the cutest thing on the face of the planet, and I find I can never get angry with her when she looks up at me with those big green eyes as if she is saying, "Don't punish me, I love you" it melts my heart everytime *sigh*
4. I've come to realize that I have: Problems with headaches. I been having them since I was 17 and i still dont know why I am getting them. I would call the doctor, but I have no money right now :(
5. I've come to realize that I lost: My sanity. I think I lost that a long time ago, but that makes me who I am so I am not complaining.
6. I've come to realize that I hate it when: Make scratching noises like nails on a chalk board. it makes my skin crawl and makes me want to throw something. lol
7. I've come to realize that marriage: is in my future with the rate things are going with me and a certian someone:) It would be nice to be married to him, I think
8. I've come to realize that somewhere, someone is thinking: Must like me. It's nice to know that someone thinks along the same lines as I do, and understands where my mind is headed.
9. I've come to realize that I'll always be: Random. I would not be Luna Lovegood's clone if I wasnt!
10. I've come to realize that I have a crush on: Oh come on, do i really have to say his name when pretty much everyone knows it already and love teasing me about it? *cough*CHRISSY*cough* But if you want to know, it's Randy...
11. I've come to realize that the last time I truly cried was: last night. nuf said.
12. I've come to realize that my cell phone is: WAY TOO ADICTING! I have to have that thing with me like it's attached to me!
13. I've come to realize that when I wake up in the morning: I wish I could finish my dreams, even the good ones for at least 10 minutes
14. I've come to realize that before I go to sleep at night: that it should be darker than it ususally is.
15. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about: If I should take a nap cause I have a really bad headache as of right now.
16. I've come to realize that babies are: the one thing I want in life. There is nothing I want more than to be a mother and have my own family.
17. I've come to realize that, I get on myspace: Hardly ever, not when i have facebook.
18. I've come to realize that today is: a really nice day, and I have to thank my mom for treating me out to lunch, and talked to me the way she did. I feel better about my current situation, than I should.
19. I've come to realize that tonight I will: Eat dinner, talk to chrissy and randy and go to bed. And possibly squeeze Fantastic Four in there somewhere
20. I've come to realize that tomorrow I will: Hang out with my mom! I love mothers, tehy are the best!
21. I've come to realize that I really want to: Role play on Phoenix as Narcissa, but I have no clue how to start a RP!
22. I've come to realize that the person who is most likely to repost this is: most likely
prongssy and
shinyboots if they see it and anyone else that happens to stumble upon this entry. :)