The entire kitchen...it's just--gone? How did...I was just sitting in there yesterday...
Bugger. That does not bode well in the least...I do hope Sanji's alright. He was rather kind to me yesterday...especially for a pirate.
Unfortunately, after parusing around on this--er--what was it called? Oh, yes. Laptop. So, after parusing around on this laptop, it seems that there are a couple others from my world here...Barbossa and Turner, to name a few. Though the others I don't know or recognize. Comment irritant. Makes me wish he was he I suppose I'll have to just settle in here and take this as it comes. Addapting shouldn't be too hard...right? Peut-être je devrais jeter un coup d'oeil autour de... Je me demande s'il y a des autres Français-parleurs autour ici?
...Dieu, how am I supposed to get rid of this infernal ticking?
[/voice post]
[ooc: So yes.
Sanji's gone, and when Gilly went to go check on the Going Merry, he found the kitchen torn off. A little freaked out? I think so. He's found a nice residence in building 1, apartment 4. Also, the private is so hackable you just have to click on it, though the strike is deleted, and I apologize for the random French :x]