1. Reply to this meme by yelling "YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF", and I will give you five words that remind me of you.
2. Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.
3. Keep in mind that if I don't know you that well, your words might end up kind of odd or weird.
From the one and only Mustafear aka Z!!!
1- Shamrock
Well, for those who don
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Comments 4
I promise I will return to fanfiction writing.
I'm rolling my eyes over here in Kentucky, you MUST realize that. I'll make you a deal, if you keep writing original stuff (or stuff that can be used for your dreams) then you are off the hook with fanfic as far as I'm concerned.
1. Mustafear
2. Beta
3. Drabbles
4. Snarky
5. Kindred Spirit (Yeah it's two . . . deal)
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