Title: show me the way from crazy
Pairing: Kate/Claire
Rating: PG-13 (implied sex)
Spoilers/Warnings: fem-slash
Prompt: #44/tomorrow
Words: 108
Summary: The seeds of want and need are being planted.
Author's Notes: written for
lost_in_108 . I have no idea where this came from. But enjoy.
Today, blood-red lips capture guilt leaking from dull green eyes and can taste the saltiness of defeat converging on too pale skin. Claire feels the seeds of want and need being planted, flowering until both flush over sweaty bodies; low moans rising from within as they arch into the other.
Yesterday, she tasted the anger reflected inside herself; years of being left behind digging crescent moons against freckled flesh; rippling along her spine until it almost choked them both. An apology was written with cool fingers skimmed across the swell of Kate's hip.
Tomorrow, it'll be confusion wrapped up in shivers and soft curves molded into each other.