Title: Some Things Never Change
Rating: PG (profanity)
Spoilers/Warnings: post - The End
Prompt: #47/travel
Words: 108
Summary: “We're gonna need money soon.”
Author's Notes: Written for
lost_in_108 . Sorta sequel to
Give Me Some Wheels.
Sawyer slammed the motel door shut, rattling the thin walls. He collapsed on one of the twin beds, hanging his long legs off the edge with his arms tucked beneath his head.
Kate walked out of the bathroom, worn jeans and a t-shirt almost swallowing her frame. She threw a worried glance, pausing in front of the mirror to comb through her damp hair.
“What's happened now?”
He stood up. Took out a cigarette.
“We're gonna need money soon.”
The meaning inherent.
She paused. Met his gaze in the mirror.
“You're not that person anymore, James.”
Resignation mixed with lethal calmness.
“Tiger don't change his stripes, Freckles.”