Title: You're A Mean One, Ms. Grinch
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Prompt: #62/gun
Summary: Claire's taking something back.
Author's Notes: written for
lost_in_108 . Don't know where this came from, but it was fun to write.
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Pasty Cline crooned Silent Night in the background as Claire stepped out of the shadows, the barrel of her gun glinting in the silvery moonlight through the window. Tiny lights from their Christmas tree reflected in the space around her.
Kate stumbled, knocking presents to the floor as hatred arched out to greet her from blue eyes. She held her hands up in submission, her eyes drifting towards the stairs as she spoke, only one thing on her mind.
“What are you doing?”
The safety was clicked off.
“Taking my life back.”
Claire's voice was calm as she stepped forward, nodding her head and grinning.
“Merry Christmas, Kate.”