(no subject)

Nov 19, 2011 03:07

Dear Yuletide Author,

Hello! I hope you're not filled with despair because of my requests. I would hate for that to happen. I'm sure you will be absolutely fine. Clearly, since you signed up to write for one of these fandoms, you have impeccable taste!

If anything I said in my requests or in this letter makes you want to run for the hills, then please, please, just ignore it! I honestly will be happy with any story in any of these fandoms. Promise! But if you want some hints, then please, read on.

I'm probably a gen girl at heart, in that I care more about characters then pairings. Not to say that I don't love pairings! Slash, femslash, het, I'm all about equal opportunities.

I love plot, clever dialogue, banter, dry humour, angst, filling in gaps, character studies, expansion of canon details, minor characters getting some attention, bizarre twists, friendship above all, happy endings, bittersweet endings, unresolved endings, UST, actions having consequences, and really, I read mostly everything.

Some things I'm not too fond of: Crack AUs (you know, high school, astronauts and the likes), non-con, PWPs, kinky sex, overly schmoopy stuff. I think that's pretty much it.

As for the individual fandoms, well I think I was pretty (probably too) detailed in my requests, but here's some more anyway.

Downton Abbey
Edith Crawley

Request: Edith was my favourite already in season 1, and I think she's the character that benefited the most from season 2. We really got to see, not a different Edith, but an Edith who was finally starting to find her own place in the world, and finding things she was good at. I would love to see her away from Downton Abbey, having an interesting time in the roaring 20s, or read more about her work during the war (I hope she did more farming and driving than we got to see, because she obviously loved it). I would prefer gen to het in this case, because I really want her to be happy without a man in her life, and I do think she absolutely could be. I'd definitely read femslash, though, Edith/Lavinia, or Edith/Gwen or anything you could think of would be wonderful.

I was lucky enough to receive two absolutely wonderful Downton Abbey stories for Yuletide last year, but I'm greedy, and want more. :)

As you can tell, I just really, really love Edith. I think my favourite scene was at the dinner table, when she was praised for her work with the soldiers. She looked so surprised, and so happy, and everyone else was just stunned. It says a lot about her place in the family, and while I loved it, I found it quite sad. So, I would love for her to be independent, and above all, happy. Because she really deserves it.

Fresh Meat
Vod, Oregon

Request: I love Vod and Oregon and the two of them together. There's something so wonderfully hesitant about their relationship. They're so different and yet so perfect together. I love Oregon's desperate need to fit in, and the way she keeps lying about absoutely everything, and Vod is just unlike any character I've ever seen, and I love her for it. I would love to read about their college life, or something set in the future, or another road trip, or the two of them bringing Tony Shales down. As I said, I adore their friendship, but still, if you want to turn it into femslash, no one would be happier than me. Feel free to throw in the other characters as well, in particular Josie, JP, or ooooh, Jean Shales (which could be fascinating).

I can't say that I love everything about Fresh Meat, but what I do love with a passion is Vod and Oregon and their relationship. I loved the hug at the end of episode 7, it was so lovely and typical for them in its awkwardness, and the breakfast scene at the end of episode 8. I'd just love to read anything about them.

Stuart Bayldon, Ashley Greenwick Rachid Mansaur, Maxine Fox

Request: I loved this show from the very first minute. I love how non-heroic it is, it's not in the least about saving lives. Who cares about the patients, these people have issues enough of their own. I would love to read about a day in the ambulance (or the police car), or a night in the pub, or what happens after Stuart's breakdown, or more about Rachid's fascination with Ashley's sex life, or Maxine's relationship with Craig, or more weird patients, or any of them facing their demons. I love gen and friendship fic, but I also love slash and het and femslash (Maxine/Kirsty, maybe?), and I can see any pairing among these four working, actually.

I won't admit how many times I've watched this show by now. Seriously, anything will make me thrilled! You absolutely don't have to include all the characters. On the other hand, I adore the secondary characters as well, so if you want to add in Ryan, Craig or Kirsty, that is perfectly wonderful.

Anno 1790
Simon Freund, Märta Raxelius, Magdalena Wahlstedt, Johan Gustav Dåådh
Request: I love this show more with each episode. The style, and the revolutionary era setting is fantastic. I love Dåådh's struggle to try to do what's best for everyone, I love Freund's religious angst, Märta's angry fire, and Magdalena's more subdued fire. I would love to read about the solving of another case, or a character study, or the building of a relationship. I can seriously get behind any pairing among these four, but I always love gen too.

When I saw that someone had nominated Anno 1790, I had to completely rethink my requests, because there was no way on earth I was not requesting this!

Let me copy and paste what I wrote after seeing the first episode (it's in Swedish, but since I doubt Anno 1790 is available in any language but Swedish, I assume you can understand this if we're matched on this fandom.):

Såg precis på första avsnittet av SVT:s nya dramaserie Anno 1790. Någon annan som har sett den? Jag måste erkänna att jag blev lite förälskad. Jag är vansinnigt kinkig när det gäller svenska tv-serier, av någon anledning dömer jag dem betydligt hårdare än utländska serier, men jag gillade verkligen Anno 1790. Okej, den första kvarten var i det närmste outhärdlig, men när jag väl hade vant mig vid det uppstyltade språket, och när handlingen väl kom igång var det riktigt bra.

Och allvarligt, Dåådh och Freund! Det var något av den mest uppenbara slash jag någonsin sett. Tro mig, det är värt att se avsnittet bara för den scenen då Dåådh under ett lummigt träd ömt studerar den sovande Freund, omgiven av ett romantiskt dis som verkar vara taget direkt ur Elvira Madigan.

So, that's it. I hope it was somewhat helpful. If it's not, then just ignore it, write whatever you want, and I'm certain I will love it.

Have fun!


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