Miss Granger, have you found your quarters suitable? If you required anything, ask the skeleton maids, they will provide. My own chambers are at the other side of the aisle.
Before I start the report, I’m going to be clear in something. This group isn’t created to provoke uproar and a violent opposition. Not unless we have no other choice. It’s unwise to face people we don’t know if they are our enemies or they are controlled by the angel or if their intentions are (deep down) genuinely good.
An order is necessary in all worlds.
They are all different beings, these Avatars. Because one misbehaves, we can’t blame the lot of them. It would be unfair.
First and foremost, this group focus will be in searching a way out (without breaking the first rule, but trying to open the pathways or keys), obtaining information about the angel and his acolytes (to appease the doubts that are haunting us) and, thirdly, to protect the weaker in case power abuse happens again (like occurred to Rufus Shinra).
Power abuse from the Avatars is an imminent danger. Albeit the angel was displeased, we did not see an action taken against this Avatar of Punishment. If that sets an example, the rest could follow the same without ill consequences.
Taking those three goals in mind, the tasks will be divided in groups:
First Group will consist in the key and angel research team, as well everything they can find out of Vertere. How it shifts each day, the weather and seasons. Everything. One of the primordial information to seek is the status of those who died prior and were returned here.
Second Group will be of surveillance and scouting the Avatars (and their sympathisers as well). Their habits, quirks, weakness, strengths. Who are they, from where and what do they seek by their duty? There are friendlier Avatars that could lend a hand in case power abuse happens, we must know who they are and where do they live.
Third Group will be the most physical one, in charge of rescue in case the “punishment” is far too unfair and cruel for little offence (such as Rufus did). They will need ways to reach extreme of the city fast and be apt into battle to endure any unpleasant surprise waiting for them. Those with medical skills or healing powers will collaborate with the fighters to treat the wounds.
I will be part of the first group. You can tell me which one you prefer to join or allow me to assign it. Within the sections, there will be separations of functions, of course, taking in consideration that we all have our forte.
Captain, as promised, I am reporting to you my findings in case I go missing and the data is lost. The information I will give you is confidential, you will disclose it to allies when I’m no longer available.
I’ve asked one of the Avatars regarding to these mysterious “keys” and his answer was:
“"Keys" are pathways to unlock portals to worlds. If a certain amount of obedience and conditions are met, the inhabitants of Vertere will be allowed to use their blessings to return to their true homes for a brief period of time.
A certain sacrifice of will shall be required to keep those doors opened permanently. At the moment, none are capable of it. The offer shall arise eventually.”
The Avatars, as far as I observed, are the following:
Avatar of Judgement
Name: Raito Yamagi.
Species: Unknown, seemly human.
Report: Quite arrogant (borderline megalomaniac judging by his previous entries) and looks like the leader of them. He speaks in Adam Kadmon’s behalf for his message of being displeased and setting the rules.
Avatar of Trials
Name: Akabane.
Species: Human, perhaps?
Report: Polite, mild-mannered and professional. I have spoken to him previous to his ascension in the Avatar ranks. He calls himself a “transporter.” He doesn’t look like someone who will abuse from the weaker, his behaviour struck me as Alucard’s when he’s bored and had nothing to kill.
Avatar of Order
Name: Robo Ky.
Species: Robot-Android?
Report: An ally, Sol, will provide me more information about this one. But he looks like someone who takes his duty seriously and isn’t prone to flights of emotions like the others (perhaps because it would be against his program). He was discontented at the cruelty of his team-mates which could be use as asset. In case of problem, we could contact this one. His manner of speech and behaviour look childish enough to be subject of manipulation at our favour eventually.
Avatar of Punishment
Name: Sephiroth.
Species: Unknown. Not a human being.
Report: An ally, Mr. Reeve, will supply information regarding this one. He’s by far, the one who appears the most violent, abusing his position to extract revenge. I was told he was a threat in his world, so it must be treat with caution.
Avatar of Phobia:
Name: Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow.
Species: Most likely human.
Report: Along with the Avatar of Punishment, I say this one is the most likely to abuse his power. He looks like a psychopath waiting to use us all as his test subjects for a mad experiment. His obsession with fear and his declaration we should be frightened of him, set an alarm or two.
Avatar of Purgation
Name: Unknown.
Species: Unknown.
Report: He looks rather “friendly,” solemn and helpful, if very obsessed with this Paradise idea to expect us to throw our lives away for the gift. When I challenged him, he did not threat but advice me. It could be an ally against the most unfriendly ones, I dare to say.
Avatar of Enlightenment
Name: Isaak?
Species: He looks human.
Report: The most gregarious Avatar thus far. Polite, well-mannered, helpful and looks concerned for our negative reactions. Unlike the rest, I have noticed this one addressed us with honorific titles, probably a mark of someone familiar with servitude. I believe he also has an open location, the black tower near the fountain. I don’t know what to think about him. He’s far too good to don’t have an ulterior motive. I reckon we can approach him for aid.
Avatar of Warning
Name: Vincent Valentine.
Species: Human?
Report: Mr. Valentine is a good person and wants to help us somehow (selling his soul isn’t a way I approve but his gesture is appreciated). I have talked to him before and, judging by the people he befriends, we can trust him above all the other Avatars.
Possible Avatars:
There was one man preaching against lust, couple affection and love. Either he’s insane (likely) or he’s another Avatar (he didn’t introduce himself as one). I have noticed the same man threatening any display of caring in public in several entries. Captain, try to keep your affairs with Seras locked, just in case it puts both of you in trouble. If they are targeting the most human impulses, I think their Paradise is one proper for automats, not people.
One of the Avatars also mentioned Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. I wonder if a pseudo deity was snared into this angel’s game as his pawn too.
Do you have anything to report in the Mansion?
I fear that the purpose of these Avatars and this place is to make us lose our identities: Who we are and what we did. If we lost that, we will be easier to manipulate and dance into Adam Kadmon's plans.
((OOC: Check Integral’s last entry for the sign up to the cause)).