Title: Turn Up the Fakes and Lies
iron_fist123 and
vinvy Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R (for language)
Word Count: 3493
Summary: Holy shit, he does have a soul.
Warnings: More bunny food, profanity, messy hair dye, belated christmas, ratty couches.
Disclaimer: We take no responsibility for the following side effects: fangirling, squeeing, excessive joy,
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Comments 29
I love that the mask and flasher are Frank's Christmas presents, like celebrating a holiday is another way of rebelling against the apathy of BLI. I'm very intrigued by Grace's condition and how it may affect the people around her. I can't wait for the development of Frank and Gerard's relationship into something deeper. What else is a better way to rebell against neutral, medicated feelings? Having LOTS of different feelings.
As always, waiting patiently (sort of lol) for the next chapter!
Wow I am so so so happy that you are enjoying this.
Your story is absolutely fantastic! It really is a great read. I'm hooked now and can't wait for another update. I love how bizarre your Gerard is... I mean most people write him as an oddball but I feel like this is a different brand of weird - possibly because he is trusted with a lethal weapon. Oh, and Kobra Kid is my absolute favorite, he seems like he's going to have some awesome backstory and I love me some backstory <3
You think G is bizarre? That rocks! How is he odd though? As one of the writer's I'm not seeing it so I'm curious to know what you've got to say about it.
You come across as being very articulate, actually. At the very least you can read characters well and you know what you're saying when you say it. (Its amazing how many people don't! XD) Thank you for the feedback- its delicious and it makes me greedy for more. If you ever feel the need to go on about characterization again please feel free to. lol
Awwww Kobra's got a soft side, the scene with him and Grace was just adorable. Especially with it including Santa
It seems me and Poison have something in common, I'm also that enthusiastic when it comes to christmas morning haha
Can't wait for the next chapter :D
Yes, yes, Kobra does have a soul. When that scene popped into my brain I thought the world would end becasue it was so sweet.
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