Title: Turn Up the Fakes and Lies
iron_fist123 and
vinvy Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R (for language)
Summary: "If you touch him ever again I’m gonna see exactly what your insides look like. You crystal, joyboy?”
Warnings: profanity, violence, angst, entirely serious threats.
Disclaimer: Wash before wearing so our insane fallacies won't be seen by the public
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Comments 12
“You’ve known me for less than a month. You don’t have any idea what’s normal for me.”
I'm tired of all the stories being the same: two people get together and "fall in love" after knowing each other for a month. It's just not realistic for characters to just blindly accept that the person they are with is a complete stranger. I like how you wrote a character that actually has a logical thought.
Anyways, I hope this isn't the last chapter.
Update soon please.
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