(no subject)

Jun 10, 2009 01:39

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Cube
Are you 13 or over?: No. I mean yes.
LJ username: cubeybooby
Time Zone: GMT - 8 Pacific
AIM: CyberpunkPizza
Tegaki: CubeyBooby
Anything Else?: BARK BARK

In-Character Information
Name (and age if applicable): Chompy, Spike, Bow-wow, Rawk Hawk, Fluffy, Guard Unit #127, Frederic Chompin, etc. (according to various owners) Human age: 16
Series: Super Marioooo
Occupation (if applicable): Dangerous feral animal!

Chompy behaves much like you'd expect a big dog to behave. He's hyper, playful and doesn't know his own strength.
In general, he is distrusting of strangers, but rather than distancing himself, he tends to be very confrontational. He does not know the meaning of weakness or caution, and will always speak up about anything or anyone he dislikes.
Likewise, he is very physical with friends as well, and it's often hard to tell whether he's fighting or playing. Being injured doesn't bother him a bit, which makes it difficult to remember when to let up.
On the other hand, while rough, he's also very intimate, and in the way of dogs, loves hugs and other positive contact. He grows attached to people easily, and hates being separated from friends or loved ones.
But he is a creature bred to be violent and intimidating, and he's good at that. He likes using his voice, and he gets very indignant when faced with unsavory things like strangers, lack of food or loved ones being hurt. He is also somewhat claustrophobic and dislikes being told what to do, especially by someone he doesn't like.
He is very protective of his friends and his posessions, and putting them in danger or taking them away is a good way to make him lose it. Of course, there are lots of other ways too, but who would want to find those out?

Once, there was a little kid who lived in a little house in Diamond City. Now, this child happened to be very spoiled, and when she started yelling that she wanted a Chain Chomp puppy, her parents couldn't refuse. Well, they could at first. It was a big responsibility, it ate quite a bit, it might grow up to be too big for the house. But eventually, the brat's vocal chords won out over their willpower.
On one fateful day, a package arrived at the house. Well, a crate, to be exact. The girl could hardly contain herself when her parents' crowbars revealed its contents.
She was overjoyed to finally have her puppy. From that day forward, they played together all day. She learned how to feed him. She washed him and took him for walks. And the Chomp was possibly the happiest a Chomp could be.
...For a while, anyway.

Over time, the Chomp grew. He became harder to handle, and he got hungrier. Soon, the girl grew dissatisfied. She never wanted to play with him anymore, and she made her parents walk him.
So eventually, they did the only sensible thing. They drove out to Tomorrow Hill and left the thing there to fend for itself.
The starving Chomp was found there by a couple of local Koopas. Figuring they shouldn't let an opportunity like this go to waste, they decided to keep it in thier yard as a guard dog... that is, until they found out just how dangerous and difficult it was to keep around, and so they had to give it up to their cousin.

The Chomp ended up being passed between a variety of owners. There was the funny man with the big black beard, who chained him up. Then there was the fat man with the sunglasses, who made him fight things. And then the scary man in the white robe, who put him in a cage in a dark, sandy castle...
This creepy Koopa was very fond of "Chompy", but he wasn't nice. He kept him in a cage for a long time, and he wasn't fed very much at all. There weren't very many intruders to his castle, but he still made Chompy sit in the cold, dark room and wait.

One day though, fortune smiled upon him. There was an intruder! That meant something for him to do! Maybe even food, if he could get a big enough bite in. But the intruder had other plans.
The scary guy and the intruder had a big fight. Chompy tried to help out, but the intruder did something unexpected. He undid Chompy's chain! Chompy was free!
Chompy chased his "owner" out of there. But now that he was unchained, he didn't know what to do with himself.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:
At first, he just wandered about aimlessly. He didn't know where he would go... until he remembered the girl. Where had that little girl gone, who loved him and took care of him as a puppy? Surely she must still be out there somewhere, and maybe she would take him back.

By some miracle, he has found his way to the girl's hometown. He doesn't know how long it's been or even where she lives now, but she must be close, right?

Misc. Notes:
* Chomps vary quite a bit in size. In normal form, Chompy is about 5 feet around. (and he weighs several tons)
* His chain has been welded to him, like a horseshoe. It's not a natural feature, but there's no disconnecting it. You can grab the other end and attach it to something, or drag him a few feet before he realizes what's happening and bites your head off.
* He goes crazy if he overheats. Don't leave your dog out in the sun, people!
* His diet consists of pretty much anything he can get a bite out of. Mostly meat of the gigantic steak variety, though it isn't unheard of for him to eat the occasional piece of metal or scurrying mammal.
* His typing will get better... probably...

In-Character Example Post:
i can type here cuz i has hands!
sum1 put a special collar on me, so nao i look like hoomanz and has hands. i cant get it off tho i tried biting & evrything. halp.
this town has so much ppl, but dey all run wen dey sees me. but sum1 got behind me & got my chain! then they puts the collar, and now im hoomanz.
i dun like being hoomanz tho, im not so big anymoar. i want 2 not has collar!
but thats wat happend 2day i gueses. typing taeks 2 long anyways.

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