Had to give it a spin...

Jun 13, 2008 01:48

((4th Edition, all standard rules [22 point buy, 100 gp to equip, options per 4ed PHB]))

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4ed, character build

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Comments 12

Build Progression - Level 2 ironhand June 26 2008, 04:19:24 UTC
Level 2
Level Constant: +1 (increases defenses, attacks, skills and initiative)
HP: 38 hp Bloodied: 19, Healing Surge Value: 09 Healing Surges Per Day: 09

Yield Ground - Ranger Utility 2
Encounter * Martial
Immediate Reaction * Personal
Trigger: An enemy damages you with a melee attack.
Effect: You can shift a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

Dwarven Weapon Training
Prerequisites: Dwarf
Benefit: You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with axes and hammers.

Notes: +2 damage on every hit that involves either of my warhammers? Sign me up please! And despite its' name, Yield Ground is a neat way to maneuver past an enemy toward danger as well as away from it, though you do have to be hit to activate it.


BP - Level 3 ironhand June 26 2008, 04:30:30 UTC
Level 3
Level Constant: +1
HP: 43 Bloodied: 21, Healing Surge Value: 10 Healing Surges Per Day: 09

Thundertusk Boar Strike - Ranger Attack 3
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee or Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons or a ranged weapon.
Targets: One or two creatures
Attack: Strength vs. AC (melee; main weapon and off-hand weapon) or Dexterity vs. AC (ranged), two attacks
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage (melee), or 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage (ranged) per attack. With each hit you push the target 1 square. If both attacks hit the same target, you push the target a number of squares equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier.


BP - Level 4 ironhand June 26 2008, 04:46:02 UTC
Level 4
Level Constant: +2 (increases defenses, attacks, skills and initiative)
HP: 48 Bloodied: 24 Healing Surge Value: 12 Healing Surges Per Day: 09
Stat Raises: +1 Con, +1 Dex

Defense Adjustments Others remain as above base + LC
AC 17 (+5 Armor & Dex, +2 LC)
Reflex 15 (+3 Dex, +2 LC)

Skill Adjustments All other skills as above + LC
+08 Acrobatics (+2 Dex, -1 Check, +2 LC, +5 Trained)
+03 Stealth (+2 Dex, -1 Check, +2 LC)
+03 Thievery (+2 Dex, -1 Check, +2 LC)

Novice Power [Multiclass Encounter]
Prerequisites: Any class-specific multiclass feat, 4th level
Benefit: You can swap one encounter attack power you know for one encounter attack power of the same level or lower from the class you multiclassed into.

Replacement Note: Replaced Thundertusk Boar Strike with
Crushing Blow - Fighter Attack 3
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Weapon: If you’re wielding an axe, a hammer, or a mace, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal ( ... )


BP - Level 5 ironhand June 26 2008, 04:52:50 UTC
Level 5
Level Constant: +2
HP: 53 Bloodied: 26 Healing Surge Value: 13 Healing Surges Per Day: 09

Two-Wolf Pounce - Ranger Attack 5
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Special: You can shift 2 squares before making this attack.
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC, two attacks (main weapon and off-hand weapon)
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage (main weapon) and 1[W] + Strength modifier damage (off-hand weapon)
Effect: After attacking the primary target, you can shift 2 squares and make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: One creature other than the primary target
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. AC (off-hand weapon)
Hit: 2[W] damage (off-hand weapon)

Notes: Multiple attacks and two free shifts - what's not to like here?


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