((Build Rules: d20 Modern/Urban Arcana Stats: 4k3d6, rolled by Big_GM, sort to taste. Standard build rules otherwise))
Character Name: Sean Patrick O'Flaherty Player Name: NPC / Ironhand
Class/Level: Smart 1 Character Level: 01 Starting Occupation: Criminal Species: Human
Age: 19 Gender: Male Height: 5' 10" Weight: 170 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Orange Skin: Freckled Fair
13 [+01] Strength
17 [+03] Dexterity
15 [+02] Constitution
18 [+04] Intelligence
16 [+03] Wisdom
16 [+03] Charisma
HP: 008 (1d6+2, Max @ 1st level)
Defense: 13 (10 + 0 Class + 3 Dex)
Initiative: 03 (3 Dex + 0 Misc)
Base Attack: +00
Speed: 30 (6 squares)
+02 Fort: 00 Base + 02 Con + 00 Misc
+04 Refl: 00 Base + 04 Dex + 00 Misc
+04 Will: 01 Base + 03 Wis + 00 Misc
Reputation: 01
Action Points: 05
Wealth Bonus: 2 [+1 Criminal, +1 Profession (1-4 ranks), +2d4 {6} Starting = 8 - 6 spent on equipment]
+02 Melee Attack Bonus [BA 00 + Str: 02 + Size 00 + Misc 00
+03 Ranged Attack Bonus [BA 00 + Dex: 03 + Size 00 + Misc 00
Skill Quick-Summary: Disable Device +09; Disguise +05; Forgery +10; Hide +07; Investigate +08; Knowledge [Art] +05; Knowledge [History] +05; Knowledge [Streetwise] +08; Knowledge [Technology] +06; Listen +07; Move Silently +07; Profession +07; Search +10; Sleight of Hand +05; Spot +09
All others by stat modifier and check penalty where appropriate
Languages Known: English (R/W), Gaelic [Irish] (R/W), Italian (R/W), Finnish (R/W), Hebrew (R/W)
Class Features
Smart 1: Talent [Savant (Disable Device)] Select one of the skills listed in the following paragraph. The Smart hero gets to add a bonus equal to his Smart level when making checks with that skill. A Smart hero can take this talent multiple times; each time it applies to a different skill.
- Computer Use, Craft (any single skill), Decipher Script, Demolitions, Disable Device, Forgery, Investigate, Knowledge (any single skill), Navigate, Repair, Research, Search
Smart Class - Simple Weapon Proficiency
Benefit: You make attack rolls with simple weapons normally.
Normal: A character without this feat takes the -4 non-proficient penalty when making attacks with simple weapons.
Criminal Origin - Personal Firearms Proficiency
Benefit: You can fire any personal firearm (a firearm designed to be carried and used by a single person; see Ranged Weapons, page 95) without penalty.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a -4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms.
Level 1 Feat 1 - Alertness
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Listen checks and Spot checks.
Level 1 Feat 2 - Meticulous
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Forgery checks and Search checks.
Full Skill Chart
+03 Balance [Dex] [Ranks: 00 + Dex 03 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+03 Bluff [Cha] [Ranks: 00 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+03 Climb [Str] [Ranks: 00 + Str 01 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+04 Computer Use [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+02 Concentraion [Con] [Ranks: 00 + Con 02 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Chemical) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Electronic) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Mechanical) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Pharmaceutical) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Structural) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Visual arts) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Craft (Writing) [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Decipher Script [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Demolitions [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+03 Diplomacy [Cha] [Ranks: 00 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+09 Disable Device [Int] [T] [Ranks: 04 + Int 04 + Savant 01]
+05 Disguise [Cha] [Ranks: 02 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+03 Drive [Dex] [Ranks: 00 + Dex 03 + Misc 00]
+03 Escape Artist [Dex] [Ranks: 00 + Dex 03 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+10 Forgery [Int] [Ranks: 04 + Int 04 + Meticulous 02]
+03 Gamble [Wis] [Ranks: 00 + Wis 03 + Misc 00]
+03 Gather Information [Cha] [Ranks: 00 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+XX Handle Animal [Cha] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+07 Hide [Dex] [Ranks: 04 + Dex 03 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+03 Intimidate [Cha] [Ranks: 00 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+08 Investigate [Int] [Ranks: 04 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+01 Jump [Str] [Ranks: 00 + Str 01 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+XX Knowledge (Arcane Lore) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+05 Knowledge (Art) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 01 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Business) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Civics) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Current Events) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+05 Knowledge (History) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 01 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Physical Sciences) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Popular Culture) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+08 Knowledge (Streetwise) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 04 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Tactics) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+06 Knowledge (Technology) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 02 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+XX Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+07 Listen [Wis] [Ranks: 02 + Wis 03 + Alertness 02]
+08 Move Silently [Dex] [Ranks: 04 + Dex 04 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+04 Navigate [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+03 Perform [Cha] [Ranks: 00 + Cha 03 + Misc 00]
+XX Pilot [Dex] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Dex 03 + Misc 00]
+07 Profession [Wis] [Ranks: 04 + Wis 03 + Misc 00]
+XX Read/Write Language [None] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Linguist 00]
+XX Repair [Int] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+04 Research [Int] [Ranks: 00 + Int 04 + Misc 00]
+03 Ride [Dex] [Ranks: 00 + Dex 03 + Misc 00]
+10 Search [Int] [Ranks: 04 + Int 04 + Meticulous 02]
+03 Sense Motive [Wis] [Ranks: 00 + Wis 03 + Misc 00]
+05 Sleight of Hand [Dex] [T] [Ranks: 02 + Dex 03 + Misc 00 - ACP 00]
+XX Speak Language [None] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Linguist 00]
+07 Spot [Wis] [Ranks: 02 + Wis 03 + Alertness 02]
+03 Survival [Wis] [Ranks: 00 + Wis 03 + Misc 00]
+01 Swim [Str] [Ranks: 00 + Str 01 + Misc 00 - Weight Penalty 00 (-1 per 5 lbs of equipment, including armor and weapons.)]
+03 Treat Injury [Wis] [Ranks: 00 + Wis 03 + Misc 00]
+XX Tumble [Dex] [T] [Ranks: 00 + Dex 03 + Misc 00- ACP 00]
Equipment To be determined - must generate wealth first