An unusual approach to Paladin...

Sep 04, 2008 02:16

Name: Makata Level: 1st Class: Paladin Paragon Path: (Justicar) Epic Destiny: ???
Race: Human Size: Medium Age: 25 years Height: 5' 10"; Weight: 220 lbs.
Alignment: Unaligned Deity: Melora Affiliations: None Role: Defender Power Source: Divine
Initiative: +01 Speed: 6 (Base 6) Level Constant (Lv / 2): +0
Max HP: 31 Bloodied: 15 Healing Surge Value: 7 Healing Surges/Day: 13
Second Wind: 7 hp, +2 to all defenses.

20 : [AC] Armor Class (Base 10 +08 Armor, +02 Shield, +00 LC, +0 Enhancement)
15 : [Fort] Fortitude (Base 10 +00 LC, +3 Constitution, +0 Enhancement, +1 Paladin, +1 Human)
15 : [Ref] Reflex (Base 10 +02 Shield, +00 LC, +1 Dexterity, +0 Enhancement, +1 Paladin, +1 Human)
15 : [Will] Will (Base 10, +00 LC, +4 Charisma, +0 Enhancement, +1 Paladin, +1 Human)

Ability Scores (0 + 9 + 3 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 22)
10 (+00) Strength
16 (+03) Constitution
13 (+01) Dexterity
08 (-01) Intelligence
10 (+00) Wisdom
18 (+04) Charisma

10 Passive Insight
10 Passive Perception
Special Senses:

Race Features:
Ability Score Bonus: +2 Charisma
Bonus At-Will Power: You know one extra 1st level at-will attack power from your class.

Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat at 1st level. You must meet the feat's prerequisites.

Bonus Skill: You gain training in one additional skill from your class skill list.

Human Defense Bonuses: +1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will defenses.

Languages Known [Script Used]
Common [Common]
Giant [Davek]

Class Features
Channel Divinity: Once per encounter, you can invoke divine power, filling yourself with the might of your patron deity. With the divine might you invoke you can wield special powers such as divine mettle and divine strength. Some paladins learn other uses for this feature; for instance, the divinity feats in Chapter 6 grant characters with access to the Channel Divinity class feature the ability to use additional special powers.
- Regardless of how many different uses for Channel Divinity you know, you can use only one such ability per encounter. The special ability or power you invoke works just like your other powers.

Divine Challenge: The challenge of a paladin is filled with divine menace. You can use the divine challenge power to mark an enemy of your choice.

Lay on Hands: Using the lay on hands power, paladins can grant their comrades additional resilience with a touch of their hands and a short prayer, though they must give of their own strength to do so.

Channel Divinity : Divine Mettle - Paladin Feature
Encounter * Divine
Minor Action * Close burst 10
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.

Channel Divinity : Divine Strength - Paladin Feature
Encounter * Divine
Minor Action * Personal
Effect: Apply your Strength modifier as extra damage on your next attack this turn.

Divine Challenge - Paladin Feature
At-Will * Divine, Radiant
Minor Action * Close burst 5
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target, or if you fail to engage the target (see below). A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place.
- While a target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn't include you as a target. Also, it takes radiant damage equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier the first time it makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target before the start of your next turn. The damage increases to 6 + your Charisma modifier at 11th level, and to 9 + your Charisma modifier at 21st level.
- On your turn, you must engage the target you challenged or challenge a different target. To engage the target, you must either attack it or end your turn adjacent to it. If none of these events occur by the end of your turn, the marked condition ends and you can't use divine challenge on your next turn.
- You can use divine challenge once per turn.
Special: Even though this ability is called a challenge, it doesn't rely on the intelligence or language ability of the target. It's a magical compulsion that affects the creature's behavior, regardless of the creature's nature. You can't place a divine challenge on a creature that is already affected by your or another character's divine challenge.

Lay on Hands - Paladin Feature
At-Will (Special) * Divine, Healing
Special: You can use this power a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), but only once per round.
Minor Action * Melee touch
Target: One creature
Effect: You spend a healing surge, but regain no hit points. Instead the target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. You must have at least one healing surge remaining to use this power.

Weapons: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged
Armour: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale, plate
Shields: Light shields, heavy shields
Implements: Holy symbol [Paladin], wands [Warlock], rods [Warlock]

Basic Attacks
Flail: Strength vs. AC [ttl: +02] Damage [1d10] + 0 Crit: 10
Sling: Dexterity vs. AC [ttl: +03] Damage [1d6] + 1 Crit: 07

Bolstering Strike - Paladin Attack 1
At-Will * Divine, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier
- Increase damage to 2[W] + Charisma modifier at 21st level.

Enfeebling Strike - Paladin Attack 1
At-Will * Divine, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier damage. If you marked the target, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
- Increase damage to 2[W] + Charisma modifier at 21st level.

Valiant Strike - Paladin Attack 1
At-Will * Divine, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength +1 per enemy adjacent to you vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage.
- Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at 21st level.

Fearsome Smite - Paladin Attack 1
Encounter * Divine, Fear, Weapon
Standard Action * Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Dire Radiance - Warlock Attack 1
Encounter * Arcane, Fear, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action * Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage. If the target moves nearer to you on its next turn, it takes an extra 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
- Increase damage and extra damage to 2d6 + Constitution modifier at 21st level.

Radiant Delirium - Paladin Attack 1
Daily * Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action * Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. In addition, the target takes a -2 penalty to AC (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Skills * indicates a trained skill
Total = LC + St + Tr + Ra + Ft + Ot - ACP: Skill Name [Stat]
-03 = 00 + 01 + __ + __ + __ + __ - 04 Acrobatics [Dex]
-01 = 00 - 01 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA Arcana [Int]
-04 = 00 + 00 + __ + __ + __ + __ - 04 Athletics [Str]
+09 = 00 + 04 + 05 + __ + __ + __ - NA Bluff* [Cha]
+09 = 00 + 04 + 05 + __ + __ + __ - NA Diplomacy* [Cha]
+00 = 00 + 00 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA Dungeoneering [Wis]
+04 = 00 + 03 + 05 + __ + __ + __ - 04 Endurance* [Con]
+05 = 00 + 00 + 05 + __ + __ + __ - NA Heal* [Wis]
-01 = 00 - 01 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA History [Int]
+00 = 00 + 00 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA Insight [Wis]
+09 = 00 + 04 + 05 + __ + __ + __ - NA Intimidate* [Cha]
+00 = 00 + 00 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA Nature [Wis]
+00 = 00 + 00 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA Perception [Wis]
+04 = 00 - 01 + 05 + __ + __ + __ - NA Religion* [Int]
-03 = 00 + 01 + __ + __ + __ + __ - 04 Stealth [Dex]
+04 = 00 + 04 + __ + __ + __ + __ - NA Streetwise [Cha]
-03 = 00 + 01 + __ + __ + __ + __ - 04 Thievery [Dex]

Pact Initiate [Multiclass Warlock]
Prerequisites: Cha 13
Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the warlock's class skill list.
- Choose a warlock pact. You gain the pact's at-will power as an encounter power, and you can pursue the warlock paragon path based upon that pact.
- In addition, you can use a rod, a wand, or a pact blade as an implement when using a warlock power or a warlock paragon path power.

Astral Fire
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Cha 13
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls when you use a power that has the fire or radiant keyword. At 11th level, this bonus increases to +2. At 21st level, it increases to +3.

Equipment & Encumbrance
Normal Load: 100 lbs
Heavy Load: 200 lbs
Maximum Drag Load: 1000 lbs

Weight of Gear: 099.00 lb Weight of Coin: 00.08 lb. (# coins / 50)
Total: 099.08 lbs (Total = Gear + Coin)
Dead Weight: 319.08 lb. (Character + Total)

Standard Adventurer's Kit, sans rope (14 gp, 23 lb.)
Backpack (empty) (2 lb.)
Bedroll (5 lb.)
Flint and Steel (-)
Pouch, belt (empty) (1 gp, 0.5 lb.)
Rations, trail (10 days) (10 lb.)
Sunrods (2) (2 lb.)
Waterskin (4 lb.)
Plate Armor (+8 Armor -2 Check) (50 gp, 50 lb.)
Heavy Shield (+2 Shield, -2 Check) (10 gp, 15 lb.)
Holy Symbol (10 gp, 1 lb.)
Flail (Prof:+2 [W]=1d10 Versatile) (10 gp, 5 lb.)
Sling (Prof:+2 [W]=1d6 10/20 Load free) (1 gp, 0 lb.)
Sling Bullets (20) (1 gp, 5 lb.)

Remaining Wealth
00 [AD] Astral Diamonds (1 AD = 100 PP)
00 [PP] Platinum Pieces (1 PP = 100 GP)
04 [GP] Gold Pieces (1 GP = 10 SP)
00 [SP] Silver Pieces (1 SP = 10 CP)
00 [CP] Copper Pieces

4ed, character build

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