I saw ‘Chicago’ today.
I can see how it got the Oscar for ‘Best Picture’ until I put it in the same category as ‘The Two Towers’. Then I am simply convinced that there is no justice in the world.
This entry could turn into an anti- Academy rant (although there is still hope left… I mean, come on, surely ROTK will sweep the boards in 2004?), but I won’t let it. Instead, I shall concentrate on the film in hand.
‘Chicago’, whilst sadly lacking in epic battles and mind- blowing CGI, is a very… neat film. Sounds weird, but I don’t know how else to describe it. Scenes fit comfortably into each other, and good use is made of the (what could be ridiculous) amount of musical numbers in the movie.
Still, I can think of another film where scenes fit comfortably into each other (should I say superbly?) and good use is made of the (never ridiculous) amount of profound speeches in the movie.
‘Chicago’ shows what fame can do to a person, and it shows just how outrageous and fickle it is.
Still, I can think of another film that shows what power can do to a person, and just how destructive and overwhelming it is.
God, I can’t stand Catherine Zeta Jones. I detest everything she stands for (money grabbing, exhibitionism, falseness, embarrassing acceptance speeches).
God, I love Viggo Mortensen. I support everything he stands for (poetry writing, picture taking, peace, playing my favourite character).
Rene Zelleweger is so cute!
Elijah Wood is so cute!
That Richard Gere is so hot, yum to the tap- dancing!
Actually, one thing a, *cough*, certain film is lacking is a certain blond Elf doing a spot of tap dancing…
I didn’t know that Lucy Liu was in ‘Chicago’! She’s so cool!
But hey, TTT has the captain of the ‘Titanic’…
Queen Latifah was the best thing in the whole movie… actually, her and John C. O’ Reilly (oh really? No… O’ Reilly). They were both so great.
Like the entire cast of a certain movie that I could mention…
No, seriously though, I really did enjoy ‘Chicago’! Honestly! And I recommend it (unless you despise musicals). I’m just bitter. And impatient, because it’s still not the 26th of August. So don’t mind me. I’m going to go and watch the trailer on the FOTR SEE DVD again. Goodnight.