I hope you all had a great one. ^ ^
I need advice.
I have a stalker. He's calling me non stop, Iming me, saying creepy shit. What do I do? I dont know him personally and I'm too pussy to call 911. I don't want my mother knowing about this. I'm so scared. What do I do...
Also, when is the Reborn get together? Is it this weekend? Because I kind of
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Comments 17
And thank you for the advice. >w
And the meet up is on December 6th so yup this weekend. I don;t know when though. You will have to get in touch with machoprinter
And ohmigosh! Thank you so much for clarifying that. I appretiate it so much.
no prob!
Make sure to clearly reject him everytime. The last thing we need is him continuing what he's doing because he thinks you're okay with it. Confront him about it.
Yeah, I would have to agree that calling 911 right now is a little rash. If it gets pyhsical, like he's pyhsically following you around, then call for help.
My mom told me once she was walking home from the train station alone at night and she noticed a guy following her. She outmaneuvered him by running into a grocery store and making a circle, then running out and straight home.
We're all praying for your safety.
D: I think you should warn him if he calls once more, you're going to report him to the police! And then do so - it's your right not to be disturbed or harrassed. )< Even if you don't tell the police directly, is there any sort of safety official in your school that you can go to? They'll know what actions to take, and how to trace back the caller or get evidence etc!
And I'm definately going to threaten him and say I'm going to call the police... But this is out of school so I don't want the school getting involved, just in case they get my mom into this... But Thank you very much! >__
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