1. Kissed your cousin: absolutely not (you can tell i got this in the south eh?)
2. Ran away: nah, running requires effort, there have def. been a couple times where i just neglected to make any kind of communication to piss the 'rents off though
3. Pictured your crush naked: didn't have to
4. skipped school: man i still skip skool
5. Broken someone's heart: whoops 0=)
6. Been in love: indeed
7. Cried when someone died? of course, although it took me a bit to think it was ok
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: lord don't even get me started
9. Broken a bone: walking on my counters when i was really young
10. Done something embarrasing: the older i get, the harder it is to embarass me
11. Done a drug: well the mild ones like caffine, alcohol, and nicotine daily....a couple more exotic ones but not much
12. Cried in school:...i don't think so, well...if college counts than yeah, but never on campus
13. Coke or Pepsi: diet
14. Sprite or 7UP: gingerale
15. Girls or Guys: guys, but being a chick rocks
16. Flowers or Candy: flowers
17. Scruffy or Clean shaven: Scruffy
18. Blondes or Brunettes: i like variety
19. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchy definitely
20. Tall or Short: Short
21. Pants or Shorts: Pants, shorts suck
22. Night or Day: Night, by FAR
23. Showered: Yesterday
24. Stepped outside: last night late, like 1amish
25. Had Sex: within the week
26. What do you notice first: posture
27. Last person you slow danced with: joe, m.e. show
28. Worst Question To Ask: 'will you marry me' thank god that hasn't happened yet, i live in perpetual fear
29. Romantic memory: i don't have much romance anymore, but Jon, all of him, *end*.
30. Your Good Luck Charm: the opal ring gigs got me from doesn't come off
31. Person You Hate Most? g.w.bush. or janie...neither of those are secrets
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: when i called collin out of the blue one day.
33. On your desk: don't have a desk.
35. Color: black
36. Movie: r&j the baz lurhman one
37. Artist: johnan vasquez, or van gogh
38. Car: 99 saturn
39. Ice Cream: coffee
40. Season: fall
41. Breakfast Food: dunk's bacon egg cheese on salsa bagle
42. Makes you laugh the most: john stewart
43. Makes you smile: sexy, circle, boy wonder, joe, jon
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: sexy, definitely sexy
45. Has A Crush On You: punkboy, ramero...those are the active ones at least.
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: mmm jon, cause its really a crush at this point, oh and wonderboy
47. Who do you think Has it easier?Guys or Girls?: Girls, definitely, we get away with murder
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: i don't know which 'funny' this is, but wonderboy applys to all of them
49. Fallen for your best friend?: more than once at this point
50. made out with JUST a friend?: i guess the girls count as 'JUST' friends, so yeah
51. Kissed two people in the same day?: my record is 7 for one night
52. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: i dont think correct me if i'm wrong.
53. Been rejected: rarely, but it happens.
54. Been in love?: you already asked that, the answer is still yes
55. Been in lust?: i would say thats probably what i'm in usually
56. Used someone?: unfortunately
57. Been used?: quite
58. Cheated on someone?: i love technicalities, but i think i still have to go with yes on this one
59. Been cheated on?: not that i know of
60. Been kissed?: what?
61. Done something you regret?: it was unavoidable
62. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: yes, but i'm better, at least for the moment
63. Save AIM conversations: trillian does it automatically i LOVE trillian *heart*
64. Save E-mails: i pretty much don't get rid of anything
65. Forward secret E-mails: probably on ocasion
66. Wish you were someone else: now and again
67. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: definitely
68. Wear perfume: its called has all my favorite things, night blooming lilys, jasmine, lime, gardenia, rose, its so yummy...all thanks to cute tattooed boy in TN
69. Kiss: whats with this?
70. Cuddle: mmmm, i'm lucky i have that
71. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: i'm always online
72. You touched?: Rookie
73. You talked to?: on the phone, liam
74. You hugged?: joe
75. You instant messaged?: asif
77. You yelled at?: my aunt, cause i vent at her
78. You thought about?: gigs
79. Who text messaged you?: i don't txt any more
80. Who broke your heart?: cheryl
81. Who told you they loved you?: sexy
82. Color your hair?: no, its naturally purple....cause i'm a grape blowpop by birth
83. Have tattoos?: 2, one on my back, one on my hip
84. Have piercings?: just my ears, so no
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: that shouldn't be a complicated question...but it is, and i have no idea....maybe?
86. Own a webcam?: No
87. Own a thong?: of course
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: sometimes.
89. Flash people?:its been known to happen
90. Habla espanol?: noo
92. Stolen anything?: a couple hearts, and my share of traffic cones
93. Smoke?: more than i like
94. Schizophrenic?:nah
95. Obsessive?: about matching
96. Compulsive?: about matching, and colors in general
97. Obsessive compulsive?: see above
98. Panic?: rarely
99. Anxious?: no, actually
100. Depressed?: lol depends on who you ask, myself included, i dunno, it changes
ps. do people like my new icon?