One day at a time is all you can expect of yourself, as I'm sure you know, but maybe this topic hit you at the right time - Learning how to apply it to your particular skill will allow you to become a better healer. Thank you for sharing.
That is so important in all kinds of therapy. One solution to a problem does not fit all. AA is a great help to many many people, but it may not be the best for absolutely everyone.
I see this in education all the time...Even with students on IEPs...Hello? I = INDIVIDUAL. Not every modification or adaptation will work on every kid. We have to have a bank or box of tools to try. Hugs. It's a challenge, but you care and I know you will always do your best!
I thought about writing about being autistic for this topic too. But I also understand the treatment side of things too. The thing I think about in that regard is that treatments also are less likely to work when the person is unwilling to consider the benefits to them. I'm thinking of someone in particular who I know who really needed to be in therapy, but he didn't trust therapists, so as long as he had that attitude, there's no way he could've benefitted from it anyway.
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