application | onepassingnight

Nov 26, 2011 06:23

Your name: Malathyne
Your journal: strikeraids
Contact: whitepoof @AIM, Malathyne @Plurk
Other characters played at Passing: n/a

Character name: Xion
Character fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Version: V2
Canon point: Post-game, after she flees to Traverse Town
Importing development from old game? n
Background: This is a wiki link but it sucks and they get a lot of facts wrong. Instead, ctrl+f history here, which is a written history created just for this Xion. (Just ignore "When Xion returned to her canon" down and the part about waking up in a strange town. That was added in for the game I was sending to her then. Instead, substitute in "she wakes up in a dream world bluh bluh.")

Changes from canon, if AU:
There are two changes from canon in this Xion's alternate universe: The first is that she overheard DiZ's intentions for Roxas, which cast her mind into doubt about how much she can trust him, and she didn't want that to happen to Roxas. The second is that at the end of the final battle of 358/2 Days, Xion defeated Roxas instead of the other way around. As a result, Xion received all of Roxas' power, Sora's memories, and the ability to wield two Keyblades ... as well as a permanent change in appearance. Xion now looks and sounds just like fourteen-year-old Sora.

Xion is, on default, a quiet, shy girl. This doesn't mean she isn't friendly, it just simply means that she's naturally quiet. She is an introvert, and instinctively turns inward to find the answers and solutions to the questions and conflicts of life. She tries to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself instead of relying on her friends, as important they are to her. She is also accordingly solitary; when she is upset and conflicted, she does not turn to even her best friends for support, and instead she closes herself off in her room to think. When she has a problem, she's more likely to just turn to people she looks up to for advice; in Days, she never, never tells Roxas her innermost problems or goes to him for comfort, instead turning to Axel with questions and then going off to her room to think and work things out by herself.

Perhaps in this way, she is more like Sora than one would normally think; Sora never talks about his own problems, instead holding them inside and putting forward a cheerful face. Xion keeps her problems inside as well, she just handles the external interactions with people differently, and perhaps more so like her friend Roxas. She needs the space to think, and she will grow distant or even cold if she is being held up from her Quiet Time, even if her behavior hurts the feelings of those around her at the time. Also like Roxas, she can get lost in her thoughts, getting wrapped up in her personal issues and having seeing beyond them, and her tendency to keep her thoughts and secrets close to her (false) heart coupled with her surprising personality 180 can sometimes make her confusing and difficult to understand.

She has been described as emotionally fragile, and because of her insecurity, she certainly gives off that vibe -- of something small, soft, easily broken, something to protect and cherish -- but it is more like there are some very sensitive areas that, when breached, make her react in very emotional ways. She is very insecure about who she is as a person. The knowledge that she is just a replica, created to be controlled like a common puppet, makes that subject especially sensitive. Although she is a "turn inward" type of person, she is also, like Roxas, a "lash out" type, and so when she feels strong emotion, she cannot stop it from showing. When angry and upset, she's likely to fall to childish insults, going as far as to call Riku and Saïx "jerks" at the beginning of the game and over-emphasizing her point in ineloquent ways (using all capital letters in her diary to make her point that she isn't a "sham"). Her words in personal arguments are far from poignant and thusly reflect her youthful nature.

She is especially sensitive to failure; just one will send her spiralling into a panic. Failure is unacceptable, as it means she's useless and therefore dispensable. Because she is so insecure about her role and purpose in life, the concept of being worthless terrifies her; if she is, what good is she? She wants to be important, not only to her friends, but to everyone else and herself, too. She feels a need to prove herself because if she doesn't... She's nothing, and she might as well not exist.

As such, Xion flocks to kindness and acceptance like a moth drawn to flame. Be kind to her, and she will return that kindness with (first surprise, but then) her own. This is the quickest way to earn her trust, and once her friendship is earned, it is very difficult to break. Breaking promises and betraying friends just isn't in her nature, and it's hard for her to cut off a friendship, even if she has a very good reason for doing so. She loves her friends with every fiber of her being. They are the center of her world, her inspiration and motivation, and she needs them to have any state of stability. Her friends are the ones who embrace her for who she is, and she needs that, as if it validates her -- as if they are what make her "real."

Do not mistake her shy and sensitive nature to mean that she is meek and mild as well; she is quite the opposite. Like Kairi, she has a sisterly attitude towards her close friends. She worries (a lot) and looks out for them, and she is always ready to protect and support them. Like Sora, like Roxas, her friends are her everything, and she is loyal to them to a fault. Around them, she relaxes and opens up, and she will laugh and jokes around and tease her friends, and it is perhaps here that she acts the most obviously like Sora, playfully competitive and almost bouncy with optimism and cheer.

When she is comfortable, she can be even confident in herself and her abilities, which can come as a surprise to those who have seen her lowest moments. She is a very determined individual, and when she has made up her mind to do something, she follows through with it, even if she is second-guessing herself all the while. She is also curious and observant, taking delight (like Sora) in exploring new worlds and things, noticing little details and drawing conclusions from them; she was taught this for reconnaissance missions, but it carried on into the way she watches people, too. In some ways, smarter than Sora and Roxas, for she processes information and is capable of putting pieces together. It can be said that she is empathetic like Kairi as she can see the different sides of an issue, but she is also idealistic in her morals, much like both Sora as well, believing very strongly in love and friendship, and in the light that is always somewhere inside the darkness.

Now that she has all of half of Sora's power, Xion has also picked up a few more of Sora's traits. For one, she has the capacity to be more social simply because she is more accepting of the presence of other people. Although she is still shy, she will slowly grow into being more open to talking to people than she used to be, as well as being more likely to offer a helping hand or lend a sympathetic ear to someone in need. This will play into many of her personality traits, combining the way her friends validate her existence and her happiness and confidence when she feels accepted into a fuel for sociability. This especially plays off her desire to be useful and her need to be needed, as in this way she'll be able to get close to people and she'll be able to help them, making her important to them and useful. However, this also adds to her sensitivity to failure; now that she will be more likely to bank her success on whether or not she was able to help or protect someone, she's going to take it extremely hard when she fails to or cannot do so, especially since she does want so much to make other people happy and keep them safe. In her mind, their unhappiness will be entirely her fault, because if she had just done "the right thing," her precious friends who support her and give her so much wouldn't have to suffer. And taking Roxas's death and the question of whether or not it was an accident into consideration... Letting people down is just simply not an option for her.

also: see here
Once upon a time, Xion had a connection to Roxas. Between the two of them, they shared half of Sora's power, and when one was strong, the other was weak. However, since Xion absorbed Roxas's powers, she now holds all of half of Sora's power, and will not have any kind of connection with any Roxas at Luministi (unless one of them desires to have one; we'll talk something plotty out for that if it comes up).

Xion initially used a Keyblade that was an imitation of Roxas's, but after absorbing all of his powers, she now wields two Keyblades, though whether or not they are both imitations, both real, or a mix is uncertain (not even Xion herself knows for sure). She also knows the typical array of spells (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, Cure), low, mid, and high level, found in Kingdom Hearts, as well as any other skills that Roxas knows, as she was meant to learn his absorb his abilities and has done so. In canon, her stats are evenly split between physical attack and magic attack, making her a balanced fighter, like Roxas and Sora. However, because the Keyblade wasn't and isn't her original default weapon, she started out just using magic, so it can be assumed that she is perhaps even more comfortable using magic as opposed to physical attacks, the "mage-fighter" to Roxas's all-out offensive tactics.

Although Xion can dual-wield, she doesn't have much experience doing so yet and it's not entirely comfortable for her, so until she can train to the point that she can dual-wield proficiently, she'll be using only one. Whenever she uses just one Keyblade, its form will be Aubade, which comes with the abilities Striker and Grand Slam, which gives her a boost in strength when her health is low and allows her to deal more critical hits when on low health, respectively. Whenever she dual-wields, she will be using Oathkeeper and Oblivion, like Roxas would have while dual-wielding himself. While dual-wielding, her strength will be much higher but her speed will be much lower because of her inexpertise. She'll also have access to the abilities Defender, Damage Control, and Second Chance. Defender increases her defense while her health is low; Damage Control helps her take less damage when on low health; Second Chance helps her survive blows that would be "fatal" (that is to say, that would knock her out).

Xion will also have equipped an accessory. It's a simple ring called the Princess's Crown, which, while also adding to her health and defense, increases the power of the healing items she uses by a little and boosts the experience she gets from defeating enemies. She also has on her person, via her backpack, an array of hi-potions [4], hi-ethers [4], and the occasional elixir [1] and limit recharge [2] (which restores her energy so that she has enough to use her Limit Break again, as normally she can only use it once per battle because of how much energy it expends).

Speaking of Limit Breaks, Xion has not her normal one but also her Final Limit. Her normal Limit is called Event Horizon, and it is identical to Roxas's and very similar to a skill Sora had in KH1 called Ragnarok. She can only activate when in low health, and in order to do so she must tap into and use a large amount of energy. The KH Wiki article describes it best: "During Event Horizon, Xion rapidly darts around the field while her Keyblade enveloped in light, slashing away at enemies with great strength. ... During her Final Limit, Xion summons four thin pillars of light to quickly move in straight paths to ends of the field, dealing heavy damage to any enemies in their path." Should Xion be driven to use her Limit Break, she will be highly vulnerable directly afterwards, as she will not only have low health but also be in a state of exhaustion because of how much energy she needs to use in able to activate it. Xion also has a limited number of casts per spell she can use each day depending on how many panels she has equipped.

I'm also going to say that, as a replica, Xion has a false heart. This is speculation, since Chain of Memories heavily references the fact that the Riku Replica had a heart, though a false one, but it's never actually stated in 358/2 Days whether or not Xion has a heart or not. She is treated as though and led to believe that she doesn't, but her behavior indicates otherwise (insecurity, fear, and love are not things Nobodies can feel), which is what has brought me to this conclusion. It's also never specified what the difference between a fake heart and a real one other than the origins (the former being created in a lab, likely from data, and the latter coming naturally from Kingdom Hearts).

Writing sample:
Sometimes Xion felt like a coward.

Not that she ever felt... brave, necessarily. Not that she actually knew what being a coward felt like, or if she even could feel something like that. But she thought that this was what it must be like. Knowing that she should be somewhere else, doing something important, or at least trying to think about what she had to do, but feeling -- "feeling" -- a huge resistance rise in her mind any time she tried. She got this... something in the pit of her stomach at times, something clenching and unhappy that made her feel sick, and during those moments she seriously considered opening a dark corridor to Twilight Town and going back right then and there. But other times, the ones where her stomach wasn't churning, she didn't want to leave Traverse Town. It was... quiet. And almost peaceful. And it gave her lots of space to try and think, or to try and not think. Even if it was a lonely, just a little.

Xion did do a lot of thinking. Mostly about memories, hers and Sora's both. After battles where she had to fight her way out of a corner just to escape from the Heartless, she would collapse on a bed or a roof or the floor of some building and think that then would be a nice time for ice cream. But Traverse Town had been abandoned for a long time (though Sora's memory didn't tell her how long), and if she managed to dig up something like ice cream, it probably wouldn't be safe for her to eat. Besides, she bet it wouldn't even be sea salt, and what was the point of that? But those kinds of memories hurt (somehow, she thought out of habit), and she tried not to think about them too long.

Sometimes Xion was grateful that Traverse Town was always at night time. She didn't have to see any sunsets that way, and she thought that if she saw another one, her heart -- no, no, her head would explode. (She flip-flopped back and forth between correcting herself when she thought about having feelings and things like that and correcting herself when she corrected herself. After all, if she decided that she loved Roxas and Axel, no matter what, didn't that mean that she could say she felt other emotions, too? But even if she did, did that mean she was deluding herself? Xion didn't know. Thinking about it made her head spin.)

Sora had a lot of memories of Traverse Town. It was like a home away from home for him, and it was all because of his friends. He made a lot of them because a lot of people lived there, once upon a time. Not too long ago, actually. Because the Heartless were eating the worlds, and sometimes people would just wake up in Traverse Town after their world was lost to the darkness. They didn't know where they were or how they got there or what just happened -- maybe they didn't even know that their world was destroyed, and if they did, they didn't know if they'd ever see their loved ones again. But they found the other people in the town, the other refugees, and they bonded together because they all went through the same thing and then they all had to work together to survive. That's what they were -- survivors. Every last one of them.

Because of Sora's memories, Xion knew a lot about Traverse Town. It was almost eerie, going to a world she had never been to personally, but still knowing where every street and alley lead, knowing who used to live in what house, what building used to be what store. Walking through the districts felt like walking through Twilight Town -- that's how familiar it was to her. It... She wasn't sure if she liked it. She didn't think she did. It was useful, though, since it meant she knew where to stay and where she could find food. She'd get used to it eventually.

She shouldn't have had the time to get used to it, though. She was taking too long. She couldn't run and hide forever. Xemnas still had to be stopped and Sora was the only one who could do it, and Sora couldn't wake up because she had his memories, but if she went back to him then she'd die (Roxas never wanted to die, didn't -- wouldn't -- want her to die, never wanted to be anyone but himself, wouldn't want her to lose who she was, all he wanted was to live a normal life and be with his friends forever and so did she, but but butbutbut). But that was okay. Really, it was. Because Sora was important, and he was a good person, and Xion thought that if she could, she would've liked to have met him, at least once. Maybe in another life, they could've been friends.

But Xion did have time to get used to Sora's memories, and she did start to get used to it. She counted the days as they passed by. It'd be fourteen, soon. Two weeks. Two whole weeks since Roxas... since everything went wrong. Since she ran away. And, if she remembered right (and maybe she didn't; she had trouble remembering the early days), that would make it one whole year since she joined the Organization. She wondered how long Sora had been sleeping. Maybe he'd been asleep for the whole year. How much longer would he sleep? That... that was up to Xion, now. But she couldn't get herself to leave. Something kept her there, and she didn't know what, or how to describe it. Something that made her stomach twist until she felt sick. Something that made her wonder if she was a coward.

Voice sample:
01: Xion meets the Doctor
02: Xion discusses with the Doctor recent events and tells her the truth about herself
03: Xion discusses the state of her bedroom with Sophie Hatter
04: Xion makes friends with Ichijou
05: Xion bonds with Natsuo Sagan and bids him farewell

application, onepassingnight

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