(no subject)

Apr 26, 2009 18:53

Still in the process of trying to catch up with the Final Fantasy XI screenies. So yeah, a screenshot post time.

Look, look! There's a Dragoon with their wyvern out. Wyverns are so pretty. =D
This is the Outpost in Buburimu Peninsula. And quite unexpectedly, there are two galka. They were probably leveling, but I have no clue what I was doing there.

The next screenies take me to Sauromugue Champaign on the way to Jeuno (as you can see from the screenie), but Buburimu is not on the way to Jeuno. I have no clue, really.
Isn't Sauromugue wonderfully barren? It's like that the whole way to Jeuno.

Still Sauromugue. That is a Sauromugue Skink. I think they were IT yet at this point (we can't have been more than level 25 yet), possibly T. Very difficult to beat in any case, and there are stronger opponents in Sauromugue than just the skinks. So we Sneak/Invis'd almost the whole way.

The bridge leading to Jeuno from Sauromugue. This is in fact the only entrance to Jeuno from the Mindartia continent. The Quon continent has two entrances, the Batallia Downs entrance, and the Rolanberry Fields entrance that I showed in the last screenshot post.

Port Jeuno. I have no clue why I took this screenie. Possibly because of the mithra. I think she's wearing Bard AF? *ponders*

Lower Jeuno, a place that I previously had missed. Yes, Lower Jeuno is so cluttered with shops that I actually missed a door in there. xD; This is the Merry Minstrel. If you remember Nightingale, one of the characters in our RP-verse, and who I wrote about during Nanowrimo...he performed in this place once. And did lots of naughty things afterwards when I ran out of inspiration and resorted to pr0n. >.>'
The mithra there, Bki, gives out a quest that is a requirement for the Bard quest.

Port Jeuno again, although this is from significantly lower than the street in the previous screenshot. This is the entrance to the tunnel leading to Qufim Island. It's this crescent-shaped island north of Jeuno, and the tunnel is the only way to get there. It's the most popular leveling place in the 20s. Or at least was before the introduction of Level Sync. After that, everyone just gets stuck in the dreaded Dunes.

The tunnel leading to Qufim Island. We were too weak at this point, and had to sneak around a lot, and I think we eventually got killed because we aggroed too many bats. Bats are either the weakest or second-weakest mobs in Qufim. Go, us.

Here's Qufim proper. We did make it to the island, and after deciding everything was too strong for us, got killed by the afore-mentioned bats on the way back. xD
The green thing in the distance is a gigas - although they're called giants when in Qufim. The mob family is gigas, though. I love how FF11 keeps up FF conventions more than some other recent FF games...

A Dragoon, a Dragon, a Dragoon~! And his wyvern, of course.

Rolanberry Fields. We were on the way to Bastok for some reason, although the screenshots don't reveal what we went there to do. That's the downside of posting these this much late..
Anyway, these are the plants rolanberries grow on. There's groves and groves of these all over the zone.

Pashhow Marshlands, still on the way to Bastok. Pretty (although weird) flowers? They have something like these in Konschtat Highlands too, at least they're about as tall. The petals are a bit more lightly colored there, though.

One more screenie of Bastok's Starlight Celebration decorations, just because. Bastok Markets, the street (/bridge?) leading to the gate out of the city. Up ahead is the Firewater Circle and the AH.

A random switch to Windurst. Mission 2-3, start! Journey to Windurst part of it, that is. I was supposed to kill a couple puny NMs in Giddeus, the yagudo city. The consulate of San d'Oria in Windurst (in the screenie is the consul himself) is where I had to sign up for it.

A random yagudo NM in Giddeus. This one wasn't the one I needed to kill, although I think we killed it anyway. NMs aggro, you see. And everything in Giddeus was easy enough by that point anyway, even the NMs.

Here we go! The NM I actually was supposed to kill. It was really easy, although...

...this is how most of the mission went. You see, the NM was on a..I think five-minute timer. So we had to wait for the next one to pop so I could get my second item. xD; Even the time it took to kill it twice combined, we still did more waiting than battling.

Considering we'd reached level 25 by then, we had to take up the quest of obtaining a Kazham Airship Pass. It allows you to use the airship to Kazham, and Kazham only. You can get it a lot earlier than the regular airship pass. All you have to do is get three specific keys...
One of the keys drops in Giddeus.

Here, some more fighting. The room with the yagudo who drop the Giddeus Key is the most high-level room in Giddeus. I think everything was DC or EP, so it was easy enough to kill a yagudo. The problem arose from the drop rate of the key. It's abysmally low...I'm not sure anymore how long we spent down there, although it was ceratinly at least a couple hours.
We did this Giddeus one first, but there are three keys you need for the quest. We did the others later.

A random skip to Upper Jeuno. We were in the process of obtaining our chocobo licenses too. Travel was about to get a whole lot more convenient.
In the background, where you can see the chocobos? There's actually the Upper Jeuno Chocobo Stables, Brutus owns that. He's apparently one of the most famous chocobo trainers in Vana'diel or something. He gives you the quest for obtaining your chocobo license. All you have to do is take care of a wounded chocobo...
And I think we were trading something by the Auction House people (not in sceenie), that's why we're actually looking at each other. xD;

Here is the wounded chocobo. He actually had (has?) a cruel owner who beat him. .___.; So we had to gain his trust by feeding him stuff. Stuff that we painstakingly farmed from some flies in Meriphataud Mountains...
The owner is called Dietmund. He actually appears in another quest too, a quest that we completed just yesterday. So remember him.

First trip on chocobo! =D Through Batallia Downs, which is the third Jeuno-entrance area, the really dangerous one where we died to a really annoying tiger really fucking close to the entrance. xD;
Anyway, it's on the way to San d'Oria. And San d'Oria we had to go to to do Kitty's mission 2-3 first part.

Some more Batallia Downs, some more chocobos. Kitty in the distance. She kept getting lost in that zone for some reason. O.o;

La Theine Plateau, still on the same way to San d'Oria. Yes, I took a ton of screenies from my first ride on a chocobo. xD

West Ronfaure, Westgate. Just dismounting. Damn, it took a while to figure out how to dismount. xD;; The command is /dismount, just for reference...

Quite randomly, my trusty oak table! With a Dream Coffer (the Bastokan Starlight Celebration furniture-item) and some of my flower pots.

Just a random screenie of Excenmille in North San d'Oria. His full name is Excenmille M Aurchiat, and he is a San d'Orian war hero. You know, from the war 20 years back? He doesn't look that old does he. The explanation is simple. He was a kid back then. Leader of the Young Griffins, a meddling troop of kids that were surprisingly good at battling.

Look familiar? This is West Ronfaure, and the tunnel there is the entrance to Ghelsba Outpost. You know, the orcish outpost really fucking close to our capital, and our army can't seem to do anything about it...yeah, that one. I'd only been there once before, to do my nation mission 1-3. I was level 14 or something back then. It was a really long time ago. Back then, Ghelsba was seriously scary. Now...not so much.

One of the orcish warmachines spread about the place. Everything in this area conned TW, so there was no danger of aggro.
Anyway, we were in Ghelsba for Kitty's nation mission 2-3 first part, like I said previously. She had to kill one NM, not two like me. Boo, she got off easier. xD;

I didn't even know where she was leading us, and I think I only looked at the map once or twice. I just followed along and took screenies. They've built a real fort in there (although you can't see any hint of that in this screenie). Actually, another part of the area is called Fort Ghelsba...

Some orc constructs. Ghelsba is full of bridges like these, and you have to go back and forth on the map to actually get forward. If you're using this way, that is.

Ah, there we go! Warchief Vatgit, the orc NM that Kitty had to kill. Of course, it was real easy too. We did this part of the mission way too late.

On the way back to San d'Oria, this is the lower reaches of Ghelsba Outpost. Doesn't look very attractive. There's tons of orcs hiding in the woods, too.

Anyway, that concludes this batch of screenies. Next up...New Year's event. xD;

33 screenies, and I've finally reached this year! x___X Wrote some Jenare!posts earlier too, they're at Thoughts From the Otherworld like usually. Although I couldn't remember what we settled on as happening on Valentione's Day, so I couldn't post as many as I wrote...the Valentione's Day post got on the way, and I want to post them in order.

screenies, ff11

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