Hardest boss -- Abyssion, you mean? Argh, I forgot about him. He is pretty scary... XD;
...Ohey. Now I remember. Most boring boss for me. Is. Exodus of FFT. *nods* It just... doesn't... do... anything... at... all...
Hmm. I never considered Zelos a villain... I always figured he fought them because (1) he wanted to die, (2) he wanted to give Seles a chance at being Chosen, and (3) so he could tell them where Colette is...
Oh yeah. I never... noticed the questions were that old. Next-gen... XD;;;
Argh I need to finish Baten Kaitos. ;_; I'm way underleveled. Am perfectly fine fighting random enemies, but the boss keeps kiiiiiilling me. I'm on. Um. That guy. The pretty dude. Name starts with F. I think?
Yeah, Abyssion! :O He was a complete pain in the ass. I'm not sure if I ever did beat him in the end. I just threw in Zelos there 'cause the technically was working against you for a good chunk of the game, thus qualifying if not for 'villain', then at least 'villainy'. xD; That, and because I couldn't think of anyone else.
Didn't notice? Go, go, Kitty. xD Next-gen would be PS4/Wii2/XboxTriangle by now...
I can't remember much of Baten Kaitos in truth. =D; But the bosses could be pretty hard, yeah. Especially towards the end, but there were a couple unpleasant surprises mid-game too. Too bad the sequel never came out in Europe, I would've loved to play it. .___.; ....but now that I think of it, I did manage to clear every side quest in the game before finishing main story. Woah. o.o Although I don't qualify for 100%, since I didn't have all the cards.
Abyssion used up aaaaaaaall my life bottles. @_@ I turned off Raine's resurrection ('cause it took too long and we died too often) and had her on command to use revitalize continuously.
I would be so amused if there was an Xbox Triangle. XD;
Sequel sounds a bit easier... I kinda wanna look for it now. And finish the first one, I mean.
Comments 3
Hardest boss -- Abyssion, you mean? Argh, I forgot about him. He is pretty scary... XD;
...Ohey. Now I remember. Most boring boss for me. Is. Exodus of FFT. *nods* It just... doesn't... do... anything... at... all...
Hmm. I never considered Zelos a villain... I always figured he fought them because (1) he wanted to die, (2) he wanted to give Seles a chance at being Chosen, and (3) so he could tell them where Colette is...
Oh yeah. I never... noticed the questions were that old. Next-gen... XD;;;
Argh I need to finish Baten Kaitos. ;_; I'm way underleveled. Am perfectly fine fighting random enemies, but the boss keeps kiiiiiilling me. I'm on. Um. That guy. The pretty dude. Name starts with F. I think?
I liked KH2 better than KH...
D: *chuus fingerstip?*
I just threw in Zelos there 'cause the technically was working against you for a good chunk of the game, thus qualifying if not for 'villain', then at least 'villainy'. xD; That, and because I couldn't think of anyone else.
Didn't notice? Go, go, Kitty. xD Next-gen would be PS4/Wii2/XboxTriangle by now...
I can't remember much of Baten Kaitos in truth. =D; But the bosses could be pretty hard, yeah. Especially towards the end, but there were a couple unpleasant surprises mid-game too. Too bad the sequel never came out in Europe, I would've loved to play it. .___.; ....but now that I think of it, I did manage to clear every side quest in the game before finishing main story. Woah. o.o Although I don't qualify for 100%, since I didn't have all the cards.
I would be so amused if there was an Xbox Triangle. XD;
Sequel sounds a bit easier... I kinda wanna look for it now. And finish the first one, I mean.
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