Screenie post tiemz.
First screenie of the year. That thing there is a New Year's decoration, a kadomatsu. You could also buy one for 10,000 gil to put in your house, but I was too poor to buy one...
Year of the Cow, so we get buffaloes running around wild in the starter areas. xD They also sold cases of milk in Jeuno, also 10k for one. Still couldn't afford any...
But these were free! One more New Year's event furniture, snowmen. You can of course recognize the nation they're from by the colors. The red knight is San d'Oria, blue miner is Bastok, and green mage is Windurst.
Some more chocoboing. Heading to Jeuno from Bastok, this is Rolanberry Fields, and the mob is a Goobbue Farmer. It's funny, I've never actually properly fought anything in the area. Just a couple goblins that aggroed when we were heading into the Cavernous Maw in Rolanberry, but never gone there with the purpose of killing stuff.
Tahrongi Canyon in Kolshushu, and thhe construct is one of the Crags. I still can't remember which Crag is which. I know they're Dem, Holla and Mea, and I know where they're located, but I always mix up the names...
With the new year, Kitty made a mule. This is Lokh, Rii and Kii's irresponsible mother.
I know, the location's jumping around rather rapidly. There just wasn't anything noteworthy happening so we just skipped around a lot.
Anyway, this is Bastok Metalworks, the governmental area of it to be exact. The dude is the head of the Department of...something. I finally signed up for my mission 2-3 second part! He was very rude though. Just what you'd expect from rich humes.
That guy's name never ceases to amuse me. I had to come to this eatery to get some info about the mission, and had to screenie him again. Almost a traditional FF name, he has...
Aaaand we're up to February now. We didn't actually go do mission 2-3 before February yet, I just signed up for it so the NPC conversations wouldn't get in the way. This is obviously from during the Valentine's day event, more properly called Valentione's day in Vana'diel. The moogles had us match up chocolates of suitable singles so they could go on a date... Rewards of course varied according to how well you matched them up.
Kitty played more than I did at that time, and she got new equips. <3 Place is San d'Orian blacksmithing guild's shop. There's no goldsmithing guild in San d'Oria, but they sell some ores required in goldsmithing here, too.
Randomly chocoboing through La Theine, that is a Battering Ram. They're kind of huge. I think this was around the time when we finally dared to take them on. xD
North Gustaberg, the Fumaroles. Basically this hot spring area, apparently. At least there's a lot of steam. Somewhere around here is the spawning area for Leaping Lizzy, an NM that's notorious for never dropping its shoes...which are, of course, godly for any DD and tank in the game. I was waiting for Kitty, we were heading for Dangruf Wadi, and through there to this otherwise inaccessible area of North Gustaberg.
Which would be this. The foot of the Drachenfall, one of the natural wonders of Vana'diel. Had to go there to see a stone monument behind the waterfall, it's for this long, long quest where you search out stone monuments all through the original areas...
Heading back to Bastok from that trip. It was Lightsday, and I'd never seen the moon that clear and big. Not to mention the ring around it. The scenery, while familiar, was quite gorgeous.
So, what's next. Palborough Mines, just off of North Gustaberg. Hunting for one of the Kazham keys, this time going for the Palborough key. Kitty had gotten hers earlier, so thankfully we had only one key to hunt for.
The rabbits in Palborough amused me. Who names a rabbit 'Rabid Rat'? xD Still on the way to the place with the key-dropping mobs.
Sadly, Kitty had lots of connection problems that day. She kept disconnecting every hour or so... not that the mobs there were dangerous, but it was still rather bothersome.
In her absence, I screenied a couple more 'Rabid Rats'. xD
One of the key-dropping mobs. There's this Quadav breeding ground behind the tunnel bend, although I have no clue why it's so misty. And just in that one dead end!
More fighting key-mobs. We were stuck down there for hours and hours before a key dropped. And when it did drop, we aggroed a Quadav on the way back...and that Quadav dropped a second key. Such is luck. xD
While searching for a coffer for Kitty to open with her extra key, we came upon this scorpion. Scorpions are so nice. Every time I see one, I feel the need to kill it. So we did.
Skip to March! And the Doll Festival, Hinamatsuri. Also known as the festival of girls. Naturally, it's set after this RL Japanese festival, but in Vana'diel it comes with a twist. More of that later. Here are some decorations from around the Bomingo Round in Windurst Woods. Troop Valeriano's fire eater in the background.
Somehow, they'd put cherry trees in bloom in every single waterway in the cities. It was weird, they were growing in these matter, they were pretty. This is Windurst Waters.
More decorations in Waters.
We decided to head to San d'Oria to take some screenies. For some reason, we chocobo'd to Mhaura and took the ferry to Selbina...and apparently ran from Selbina to San d'Oria. Yeah, I have no clue why we did that. Would've been a whole lot easier to just chocobo to San d'Oria.
Anyway, this is Buburimu Peninsula. You can just see the gate to Mhaura ahead.
Fighting a random goblin in Valkurm Dunes, pretty near the Selbina entrance.
My mog house in San d'Oria, and the Doll Festival decorations! I had no money, but Kitty bought stuff. <3 She had been playing more, so she had some money even...
Cherry trees in Northern San d'Oria.
Excenmille M Aurchiat, a war hero. I've screenied him before too. Many times I think. He's pretty. :P
Aaaand here's the Vana'dielian twist to the festival. Since not everyone is a little girl that the festival celebrates, the moogles invented girl mochi of different races. Eat one, and you change into a little girl of that race. xD I ate an Elvaan mochi first.
And then Kitty ate a Tarutaru mochi... She became even shorter than before. xD
In fact, so short that you can't even see her under the table... xDD
Turned off the mochi effect in preparation for the next one, and was quite shocked. She didn't look that short when I was a little girl. xD
Here is me. See me run. Run, mithra girl, run. That ends screenies of the Doll Festival. Next up: lots of questing.
34 screenshots, and I'm up to March. Getting some hopes of catching up finally...