I got bored of updating waff (guh, FF11 basic playing guide, why did I ever decide to write such a thing?!), so you get a FF11 screenshot post.
Oh, what a start we get... sorry about the almost-pantyshot. :P But I'd completely forgotten I did stuff on Ellanore too! So let's see how the start of the year went for her.
As you can see, to bring in the new year I went leveling with Kitty for a bit. I wanted to kill a couple mobs in La Theine Plateau and didn't have good enough armor to survive there for long on my level, so I asked Kitty to come escort me. Ended up leveling there for a while.
After getting Red Mage a couple levels on her, I randomly decided to level Warrior for a bit too. See Ella the mighty WAR. See her go raaawwwwrrr.
A bit after, Kitty had some time to escort me to Bastok, I'd wanted to go there for a while. So off we went. This is from the Crag of...Holla? Dem? @__@ In La Theine Plateau. Grabbing a gate crystal.
Valkurm Dunes, still on the way to Bastok. Gods, I hated this leg of the journey. Any one of those gobs could have killed me in a couple hits. Kitty was following behind, ready to try and rescue me if Sneak and Invisible wore at the wrong time, ready to recast those two spells if they wore considering Ella has neither...
Konschtat Highlands, near the Crag there. No, I still can't remember which Crag is which. Anyway. This EP quadav aggroed me, so I decided to take it down. If I'm not greatly mistaken, there are traces of both Water and Bio in this screenie. Water cast on me, Bio on the quad. And I think Kitty cast a Cure on me at the same time, too? You can just see the blue sparkles.
North Gustaberg, still on the way to Bastok. I saw a hound, I had to kill it. It's a reflex. :P
Port Bastok, the..Steamy Sheep? Something like that. Isn't Ella pretty? *___*
In the end, I left Bastok almost as soon as I'd reached it. I'd forgotten I had no money, and most the stuff I wanted to do there required money. Lots of it. So back we went to San d'Oria. This is from Konschtat Highlands.
When I got back home to San d'Oria, we were first place in Conquest! =D I had to take a screenshot of it.
This was taken out of curiosity. And urge to ridicule bad fashion sense. Wearing wedding gear and a pumpkin on you head?! xD;;
So I went back to level Warrior for a bit. This is Ella using Mighty Strikes, the WAR 2-hour ability. It makes all your hits critical, and if I don't remember it entirely wrong I really needed that with this beetle. It was surprisingly tough.
This is some creek in Jugner Forest. In all honesty, I have no fricking clue what I was doing there. Perhaps hunting for the stone monument. *ponders*
And yes, it's back to Jenare. This is sometime after the Doll Festival, so March? April?
A random screenshot from my Mog House. I think I'd rearranged stuff a bit and wanted to screenie it. No matter, the lantern-thing is pretty.
Then, I started trying to catch up in levels with Kitty, who'd played a bit while I was taking a break from the game. She also wanted us to unlock Summoner, so I went to hunt for a Carbuncle's Ruby. Those things drop from leeches, and the leeches in Buburimu Peninsula were of a suitable level to gain some exp while waiting for the drop. So there I headed, to a beach full of leeches.
...and ended up leaving a mere several hours later. I had some extreme luck with the Ruby, some people hunt for it for days before getting one. Me? I even had time to go level elsewhere that day, after having my fill of the leeches.
This is me, in Buburimu Peninsula at the cliffs overlooking the sea at the north parts of the map. Trying to sneak up on a crawler.
For some reason, I decided to take a ferry from Mhaura (near Buburimu) to Selbina (near Valkurm). The ferry is usually empty aside from a couple fishermen, but this time these two were on board. They danced around waiting for the ferry to leave, and then went abovedeck to kill stuff.
Back in San d'Oria, and I have no clue what job I'm on. There are two options - black mage and white mage. I don't even know why I suddenly decided to level one of those....
Anyway, I took this screenshot because of the taru with a light blue cap, Sucineri. That is a Maat's Cap he's wearing. You can only get one after you get all original+Chains of Promathia jobs to at least level 70. Holy cow, that taru must be a real no-lifer. O.o;
...not that I wouldn't be wanting Maat's Cap myself.
But no matter, soon I was back in Buburimu, stalking crawlers. Here's one, not too far from the last Bubu-crawler screenshot. There's a random dhalmel walking around in the bg too, but I wasn't too interested in dhalmels. They don't drop silk threads.
Quite randomly, on a low-level job again. I think it was thief this time. It's from the...Aropago? Pass in Tahrongi Canyon. The mandragora has just cast Dream Flower.
Windurst Walls, just heading south from the Walls Auction House. I have no clue why anyone would decide to fish in their wedding dress, but that mithra apparently decided to do so. =D;
Back in Tahrongi, leveling whatever-job-it-was. A pretty sunrise.
Still leveling in Tahrongi. That sapling decided to go glitchy and get stuck on top of that fragile-looking plant thing. Yeah, I have no clue.
Some time later, I decided to go finish catching up with Kitty on my red mage. For whatever reason, decided that Pashhow Marshlands would be the best place to do that. This is me, casting Enwater (water damage added to hits) in preparation for taking on that goobbue in the distance.
Fighting a fly in Pashhow. Yeah, can you tell I did a whole ton of fighting during that time. xD;
Being done with the catching up, I went to advance my Summoner-unlocking quest. Had to go click on this locked door. There was some other person, no clue what she was doing. The house is involved in pretty many quests, and even in the Windurst missions.
A random stone monument. I'm not perfectly sure where this one is located, I did pretty many of them at this time, running around after weathers. You see, to unlock SMN you need to gather seven different weathers for the Ruby. So I thought that since I'll be running around a lot anyway, might as well make it as useful as possible.
Then I finally started playing with Kitty again. <3 We went to do Squire's Test II, a pre-requisite for unlocking Paladin. This is Ordelle's Caves, below La Theine Plateau. It's a beautiful place...
A very beautiful place. This little pond here is way deep in, and involved in the quest we went to do. It sparkles! =D
Yet more funny mob names. xD This is where you get the item required to complete the quest. The ??? you need to target is right there in the middle of nowhere, quite randomly.
Afterwards, we wandered around La Theine a bit apparently. And took down a ram, those drop pretty many good money-drops.
I think we had some business in Jeuno at this point? This is from the way there, from Meriphataud Mountains. It was the first time we killed one of those axe beaks, they were pretty damn scary not too long ago.
...damn. This makes me remember that I should go kill some of them. I need a feather that they drop.
More fighting in Meriphataud. A raptor this time, those are nice. Attack way too quickly. But Kitty had disconnected and I wanted something to do. Raptor-killing it was.
I finally got access to the Tenshodo headquarters! :O That's Aldo, their leader. Also the orphan boy featured in the opening video of the game. Also one of the main characters in the latest add-on, A Crystalline Prophecy.
Randomly back in San d'Oria. Home sweet home? This dude is the Paladin-unlocking quest dude. We completed the pre-requisite quest and signed up for the real one. Finally! This has been one of my objectives in the game ever since I started!
But we still weren't done with gathering weathers for the Ruby, to unlock Summoner. So off we went, in search of a snow weather. Problem is, snow weather only appears in a high-level area... this is us, heading to a high-level area in Ranguemont Pass, on our way to the target zone.
Which would be this. Beaucedine Glacier. It sure had snow for us. Lots of snow. As you come up from the tunnel leading to Ranguemont, you become almost blind at moments, as the wind pushes all the snowfall in your direction...
At the entrance to the cave/tunnel. Yes, it really has those teeth-looking things up there. xD Anyway, we didn't go much further than this. Didn't really fancy dying, and there was an Incredibly Tough tiger guarding the pass. So we went back to complete the SMN quest.
This is the place, in northern parts of La Theine Plateau. A circle of old stones. Offer the Ruby to the air in the center, and Carbuncle will come to you... and enables you to become a SMN and summon him to your side at any time you wish. Objective met!
Every time someone unlocks Summoner, the next day there is a rainbow above the Crag. So we went to wait for our rainbow.
Was bored waiting for the right time (ie next day..), so took some screenies. It was a long wait.
It was a really long wait. Us, still sitting at the same place, looking at the dawn and wishing the fucking rainbow would just appear.... xD
Sometime around noon it started raining. That almost ruined our chances of seeing the rainbow, as the only condition it doesn't appear in is rain. Opps.
All's well that ends well. After an almost full hour of waiting, we got to see our rainbow at last. On to new adventures?
43 screenshots this time, from March to..actually, I don't know when. Not too long in RL-time though, as we played rather much around that time. But still, that much closer to catching up with these! Next up, we have a very annoying goblin, some black magey destruction, and finally unlocking Paladin.