(no subject)

Jun 01, 2009 14:59

Too hot to do anything else. So you get a screenshot post again, this time suspiciously close to the last one...maybe I'll catch up one day yet.

This is Ghelsba Outpost. We both needed items that drop from monsters there (cathedral tapestry, shaman garlic, and I needed a Ghelsba key in addition to those), so it was the next logical step. Kitty said she'd know where to go, but she led us in the wrong direction right off the bat. xD This is an orcish fort pretty much in the entrance area.

More orcish constructions in Ghelsba. This is much further (and higher) in to the zone, on our way to the Yughott Grotto upper entrance. We were stupid and didn't go in through the lower entrance...

Yughott Grotto, fighting an EP orc. We were in search of the ones that drop keys, since key is the rarest drop out of those we were searching for, and the key mobs dropped the other items too. Well, this first time we didn't stay in there for too long. Kitty had to go to dinner, and I was too tired to wait for her to come back.

This is from back in San d'Oria. Ghelsba/Yughott are really close to Sandy by the way. =D;
Anyway, the Egg-Hunt Eggstravaganza (the Easter event) just started, these are some of the decorations.

Egg-hunt of course means there are tons of people gathered around every moogle they can find...moogles give out eggs, one per in-game day.
Look, there's a Puppetmaster galka in relic gear! :O The big hairy thing with cream/red clothes, if you're not familiar with the terminology.

Surrounded by Elvaan females. It was really surprising, considering how rare Elvaan females are in the game. I've seen the Viena person (she's a Red Mage) around a lot, and I think Rumer is usually a bazaar mule in Jeuno...the egg-hunt really disrupts normal routines throughout all the servers and zones.
I'm also wearing the ridiculous-looking egg helm, one of the rewards for the event.

A random screenshot from the docks in Selbina. Waiting for a ferry.

Buburimu Peninsula! Now I remember, I was waiting for that ferry because I was stupid and didn't remember I had Oupost-warp to Buburimu available. We were going to hunt for RSE (Race-Specific Equipment) for me. For that, you must first find a key in a certain cave that changes every time your race's week comes around. Then you must find a chest in that same cave that you can open with the key. Then you take the pattern you receive from that chest to a goblin weaver in Jeuno. Rinse and repeat, for all the pieces of the equipment you want...

I don't have screenies of the first hunting trip it appears. This is from when I went to Jeuno to return the first pattern, and decided to stop by the Egg-hunt moogle booth to buy this jewel-egg...screenshots of it further down.

Buburimu Peninsula Outpost. I'd just returned from my second trip to the goblin, in this screenie I'm already wearing the RSE gloves and boots. They're the dark blue/white ones.

Fighting a random bat while searching for crawlers (crawlers drop the key in Maze of Shakhrami, which is the name of the zone we were farming for the keys in). We're still low enough level to aggro the bats in there (or at least were back then?), so we had to be careful and stop to fight pretty much every bat that was in the way.

Once again, heading to Jeuno. This whole RSE-searching process became a bit expensive. It's several hundred gil to rent a chocobo from the closest Crag and ride to Jeuno. And I had to chocobo to Jeuno three times that in-game week, and would have gone a fourth if we'd have had the time to get the a fourth key.

Back in Shakhrami again, searching for that fourth key. But it was a futile attempt. All the three previous keys dropped nice and fast, but we fought crawlers down there for two hours after I returned, and didn't get the fourth key. When the week changed, we decided to give up on searching and just get the fourth key when the next Elvaan male week would come around. So I was stuck with my old armor for a bit longer.

In my Mog House, taking screenshots of the jewel-egg furniture I bought. See? It's purple here, and...

Here it's blue! =D It looks really great, basically it switches colors in a certain pattern, fading from one into another continuously. I even invited Kitty to come take a look at the thing, she ended up buying it too even though she didn't intend to buy any furniture this event. xD

My RSE-week took priority for a while, but after it was over we went back to farming for those items in Yughott Grotto. This is us in Ghelsba Outpost, heading to that closer entrance to Yughott this time... xD

There's lots of zones connected to each other in that area. First there's Ghelsba Outpost at the base of the mountain. Then there's Fort Ghelsba closer to the top, running down the mountainside. Yughott Grotto is a cave and tunnel complex within the mountain, and Horlais Peak is at the very top. This here is a view from Horlais, we had to go up there to pick up water for General Curilla. =D;
This time, we actually got all (or most?) the items we were looking for...

More Egg-hunt furniture! These are two of the four/five new pieces of furniture they came up with this year. The egg stool and the egg lantern... there's also the egg table and egg...buffet? But if the top was the buffet, then what was the whole thing called combined? @__@ Anyway, four items to get, and a fifth possible one if you combine them all.

More crowd at the Southern San d'Oria moogle... Seriously, the lag around him at times was something fierce.

Back in Shakhrami. It was Kitty's RSE week, and although she only wanted one piece of her RSE, there was still work to be done. Fought some scorpions while at it.

Shakhrami actually has two entrances. If you use the Buburimu entrance, you can't access all parts of the caves, so since we farmed for the keys near the Bubu entrance, we had to run to the Tahrongi Canyon entrance if we couldn't find a chest at the Bubu side. From the Tahrongi side you can drop down to the Bubu side, though...

This is the goblin who can upgrade your gobbiebag (inventory). I don't think I have a screenshot of the weaver goblin, even though he (she?) is in the same building. Anyway, managed to get all the required items for my next gobbiebag expansion, so I was handing them in while Kitty went to get her RSE pants. They're the short red ones she's wearing in this screenie. xD

Moon setting in Jeuno, with the sun coloring the horizon yellow...

We were getting a bit gimped with our subjob (Black Mage) only level 18 or something, so we went to level BLM for a bit. This is La Theine, we were in low MP and hiding from a battering ram that was nearby...the orcs we could handle if they aggroed us with low MP, but certainly not a ram! We probably couldn't even take it on with full MP, on BLM.

Soon went on to Valkurm Dunes to level on lizards, since the exp in La Theine was really dreadful. We mostly just ran through it and headed straight to Valkurm Bastok side.

But soon we decided it was boring, and I need dark crystals anyway. So we warped back to San d'Oria with the intention to level in Carpenter's Landing (which is directly accessible from the city). This is me behind the Southern Sandy Home Point crystal.

Didn't take long at all for us to level! BLM seriously just goes BOOM and everything dies. xD Got to BLM level 20 in that session, that'll see us through to level 40 main job.

*ponders* I think the combined furniture was called the egg buffet... This is it, by the way. Managed to get all four of the new furniture, so I combined them to save space.

The Elvaan female is wearing a Royal Redingote! :O The add-on A Crystalline Prophecy had just come out, and people started sporting the three new armors that are rewards from the final fight in it. I'm pretty sure the Redingote wouldn't look good on me, but the Elvaan girl there sure does make it look good. =D

What next, what next... we apparently grabbed some stone monument, I think this is the Jugner Forest one.

And then we were off to Davoi! It's connected to Jugner, and that's where the Paladin unlocking quest is located. We finally went to do it! =D Had to sneak around in rivers to get to the back of the zone...

More sneaking around. One of those fishies managed to aggro Kitty at some point, we were more careful from that on. Not that the fishies were dangerous (they were just EP), but we didn't want to waste time with them. EP don't give very good exp.

Back in San d'Oria and Balasiel. Unlocked Paladin, finally! *________*

A random landscape shot of the entrance from Valkurm Dunes to Selbina. I have no clue why we went to the ferry.

But to the ferry we went. We even went abovedeck to see if..something would show up. I think skeletons? But no, just a lot of rain and darkness.

Last screenie of the batch, a bit later from the several days long gaming session that included all the other screenshots in this post... I finally got my last piece of RSE, the body piece. =D That's a random screenshot from the shop with all the goblins, including the weaver and the gobbiebag expander.

Hey, only about 400 screenshots to go through and decide which ones to post! =D I usually post about one screenshot in four, so that'd make around 100 screenies to post before I'm fully caught up...

screenies, ff11

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