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Jun 23, 2009 05:24

Final Fantasy XI screenshot post time. Discovered that I'm closing in on 2000 screenshots taken in total. Figured it was about time I tried catching up to that. xD
These are from May and thereabouts.

So I was checking the selection of goods at the Auction House in Lower Jeuno and had to take a screenshot finally, of that swimsuit. It doesn't really serve any other purpose than showing it off on an Elvaan woman. Who are beautiful if I haven't mentioned it before. xD

Leveled Thief for a bit around that time. Since Kitty's Summoner was around the same level, I got to see some summoning being done! =D Never mind the stupid plant that got in the way...
Tahrongi Canyon by the way, if you still can't recognize the zones by what they look like.

Here's Carbuncle. Kitty kept wanting for Carby to tank, but it was a futile attempt, really. I didn't feel like turning away from the mob every couple seconds, so I ended up tanking. On a low-level THF. xD;;

Meriphataud Mountains, heading to that cave there. We were on a quest to unlock Ranger. I love how Final Fantasies always have extinct species running around. Like these sabertooths. xD

The cave. The quest was to wait around for an old sabertooth to die naturally. It was rather frustrating, standing around there with the sabertooth around and not being able to kill it. xD This is apparently where they come to die, old sabertooths. There were bones on the ground.

On to Qufim Island! Leveled, did some sightseeing, unlocked Beastmaster, picked up the first cutscene of the Chains of Promathia story... Qufim's a nice enough place, I suppose. Gigas all around. And crabs, and leeches and skeletons.

Fighting a gigas. Kitty's just cast Regen on me.

In Delkfutt's Tower on Qufim Island. It's this big white construct made of the same material as the Crags, built in ancient times. The sparkly light wasn't there originally, it's an addition from A Crystalline Prophecy. Used on the way to the last boss in that story, incidentally.

So we went to unlock Beastmaster, since we were unlocking jobs left and right at that time. It involves picking a flower that only blooms during the night. And of course, there's a strong monster guarding it. Kraken. No way could we have defeated it, and we were in fact hoping it wouldn't be there...no such luck.
I'm Invisible in the screenshot, if you were wondering. No monster aggro from mobs who aggro by sight. Of course, you have to drop Invisible to interact with anything in the world.

This is the natural result of that. xD Did get my flower and cutscene though, and it was expected. So 's all good. Kitty's almost out of sight there, dying to a too-hard goblin.

Since I got the first cutscene of Chains of Promathia, I figured I might as well get the ones following it, in preparation for eventually taking on the missions properly and doing..whatever the story requires doing. This is a clinic in Upper Jeuno.

Next up? This is Port Jeuno, the Kazham port to be exact. Since I'd finally gotten the last of the keys required to obtain a Kazham Airship Pass, we went to explore! =D Kazham is a Mithra village situated on Elshimo Island, a tropical island to the south-east of the main continents.
Yes, that is almost an exact double of Kitty's character. xD

The two kitties, lined up waiting for an airship...

Here we go! A view from the deck of an airship. The ride doesn't take too long, a couple minutes only. It was my first time on board an airship, so there was lots to see. =D

Another view from the airship.

This is the port in Kazham, the ocean's behind my back. Kazham is filled with...monkeys. Opo-opos, to be more exact. They run around everywhere.

Some Mithra, and a view to the ocean, port of Kazham.

A hostelry. I was surprised they actually had one, but I guess it make sense, since they have an airship port too. xD What was more surprising is that there was a flirty Elvaan NPC in the hostelry... xD;;

Jakoh Wahcondalo, the current Chieftainness of Kazham. She was actually a pirate before settling down in Kazham and becoming the Chieftainness.

A random view of the town. I liked it there, kind of. Not much to the place, and IRL it'd certainly be too hot and boring and remote, but.. =D;

It's Romaa Mihgo! =D Mother of Nanaa Mihgo, the famous Cat Burglar of Windurst, and if my memory doesn't entirely fail me, she was the previous Chieftainness of Kazham. She doesn't say much. In fact, if I remember it right she didn't speak to me at all. I guess I'm just a lowly adventurer who should have nothing to do with the likes of her or something. xD

Some random flowers. There's flowers everywhere, even more than monkeys. xD

The exit to Yuhtunga Jungle. Other than Kazham, there are the Yuhtunga Jungle, Yhoator Jungle and Norg (a pirate town) on Elshimo Island. And some other places, like that volcano, whatever it was called.
We didn't exit to Yuhtunga yet on that trip. I've only been there once, come to think of it. Maybe we should go level there or something. =D;

Back at the airship port, just finished signing up for a quest that happens on board the airship. On our way back to Jeuno, since there really wasn't anything for us to do in Kazham other than go see what it was like. xD

Did some more exploration of the airship since it was required for the quest. Had to find a certain passenger.

One of the passengers. They sure pick weird places to spend their journey on.. xD;;

So what next? We went to unlock Bard. It involves finding songs inscribed in slabs of stone on two hidden shores... This is Buburimu Peninsula, heading to the secret shore there. The ocean was pretty.

The first slab of stone. Unlocking Bard was a real pain for me. When we got to the slab, I discovered that I'd somehow managed to forget talking to the starting NPC of the quest. Of course, nothing happened when I attempted doing this part of the quest. Had to return to Jeuno and come back here again. xD;

Standing around in Buburimu, wondering how to proceed on the quest. This was probably before I went to Jeuno to grab the quest and returned for the first part.

A random screenshot in Port Jeuno. The moon was beautiful. Darksday, so it's all faint and grey.

A random screenie of a mandragora staring at me in Buburimu. xD;;

Look, it's Kitty's Mog House! =D I don't really know what we were doing back in Windurst though.

This is Valkurm Dunes, heading to the secret beach for the second part of the Bard quest. Pretty flowers.

More pretty flowers in Valkurm secret beach. And my chocobo was just blinking when I took the screenie, so he looks all cute. Aww.. =D

The second stone slab, and apparently trading some stuff or something. I think we did some trading, although I can't remember why.

We had more business in Jeuno, so off we went. This is Rolanberry Fields, the remnants of the Rolanmart on our server.
Rolanmart? Some time ago, if you bazaared your items in Jeuno, there would be a tax on your sales. So people on every server would gather in a zone right outside of Jeuno to bazaar their stuff to avoid the tax. On most servers (including ours), the zone was/is Rolanberry. Thus was Rolanmart born.

Here we go. Next epic (and very, very nerve-wrecking) experience. Traveling to the past through a Cavernous Maw, to the time of the Crystal War when all the nations warred against the Beastmen, the forces of the Shadow Lord...
This is the Maw in Rolanberry, present time. When you first enter a Maw, it spits you out in one of three random locations...

This is where it spat me out. Batallia Downs, the past. It appears to be late summer or thereabouts. And the Maw is...floating. Instead of buried in the ground by its tail like it is in the present.
Kitty ended up in Rolanberry (past). We were stranded in the past, all alone..and Kitty freaked out, since Campaign was going on in Rolanberry when she got spit out there. xD Campaign, to those not in the know, is battles in the Crystal War. Whole companies of beastmen descending on the zone to attack or defend against the forces of Altana...

Since Kitty was crying for me to come rescue her.. xD On my way to Rolanberry. Invisible'd of course. Most the mobs in Batallia [S] could've killed me in one hit. Not a very calming experience, walking through it. xD;
Since it's a war, there are random walls and fortifications scattered around.

Still in Batallia [S]. Looks pretty much like the present version, just a whole lot greener and healthier.

More Batallia. As I made the (nerve-wrecking, as stated previously) journey through the zone, I came to love the place. The past. It's awesome.
As I was walking towards Rolanberry, Campaign moved from there to Batallia. Scared me half witless when the music changed. xD;;;

The comet. I have no clue what its significance is, but I think it's somehow related to the happenings during the war..?

Warning! Now entering a sunshine-y zone! Well it is most of the time anyway. At the time of this screenie, it was raining.
This is Rolanberry [S], still on my way to find Kitty.

And there she is! Somehow, she fits in with all the green and sunshine and the occasional rain in the zone.

Found a gate to Jeuno, but the whole city is inaccessible in the past. So I just took a screenie of the gate and the flag.

For a reason I can't quite remember, we went on to Sauromugue Champaign [S]. More fortifications. The area is really arid, just like in the present. At least in the present, the sun doesn't glare quite so much, though...

On top of the wall-thing, looking down. At that point, it was getting really, really late for me (say, around 4 AM or so)...

So we decided to cut our visit to the past short. Warping back to Home Point here.
Did I already mention that the trip was a really nerve-wrecking experience? xD;;

This kind of doesn't belong, but started the quest to unlock Dancer. Had to go dance on stage to 'prove my worth'. Yeah, just made a fool of myself, of course. xD;

That makes 49 screenshots in this post. A bit more than usually, but I wanted to get our first visit to the past posted, and this made for some considerable progress in catching up. =D;
Next up...another visit to the past, yet another attempt at the dragon battle in nation mission 2-3, and seeing more of Ranperre's Tomb than I ever wanted to see.

screenies, ff11

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