post a comment. anonymously. tell me what you really think about me. tell me something deep. tell me something important. tell me something completely irrelevant to life. tell me something.
ali i love you with all my heart and soul. i miss you a whole lot. and i never go a day in toys r us without thinking about you and all the fun we used to have together. i think i just gave it away:)
you have big boobs, they are quite big...with those big boobs, you have to have salami nips?...but anyways lets get to things about you, you have biggggggg boobies. as a matter of fact, its a bodacious bosom. but either way, your amazing and have a pretty sweet ride. its important that you know, you have large boobs and should watch out for people who want to titty fuck you. especially the drunk men. and something thats irrelevant to life, your a nice girl. but along with being nice, you have large breasts.
Comments 18
but thanks for the compliment
i think you should be arrested, don't you agree? just kidding. you know i know who you are.
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