player information.
name: robyn.
lj account:
email: supremia(at)gmail(dot)com.
messenger: aim ► limits breaking » aegisol. plurk ► commanding.
current characters: erza scarlet ; fairy tail. » (
thetitania )
lilith m. dupond ; original character. » (
veiledviper )
oerba yun fang ; final fantasy xiii. » (
tearsthesky )
presea combatir ; tales of symphonia. » (
asolemnchild )
in-game character information.
name: zahra urania aurigae.
age: 18.
personality: Zahra's a flirt. And I do mean this seriously.
Among the proper and snooty pureblood girls, she's seen as an anomaly at best and an embarrassment at worst, but given that she's the only child of two well-to-do pureblood parents, she's spoiled and often allowed free reign. And she takes this free reign with the utmost pleasure. She's your typical rich, spoiled brat, but that isn't to say she isn't charming when she wants to be, and she is often very charming and smooth. She's got a bevy of traits that are often seen as less...okay with women -- a propensity toward sleeping around, a lackadaisical approach toward commitment, a roving eye. She doesn't do these things for attention however: she simply enjoys men. And women. And this is the way she...expresses her enjoyment. Her parents' divorce has given her a more jaded, biased view of relationships. She's not expected to be married off to the highest bidder like some of her peers, nor would she choose that path willingly. She's a free spirit, in other words, a person who isn't bound by traditional expectations and proprieties. Zahra's the type of person that's familiar with people right from the get-go: she'll drape an arm over a person's shoulder when she speaks to them, or refer to them by an array of pet names.
This isn't to say she's all fluff, however. She is a bit selfish, but she does have a way of feeling her way around situations and people in order to pick the proper responses, and tries not to intentionally make people too uncomfortable. She's very attuned to changes in mood, and knows when to back away from people (or pursue) because of this. She's idealistic -- save for the notion of long-term romance, she isn't a jaded individual, and likes to believe the best of people. She's charismatic and intelligent (after all, she did get into Ravenclaw), and is pretty much an advocate of "the pen is mightier than the sword," as she dislikes conflict and arguments. She's even-tempered and lighthearted most of the time, but she has a temper hidden underneath all of her good grace and silly flirting. It generally takes her a while to get riled up though: she is not at all combative, and her manner of dealing with things usually falls along the lines of talking circles around people rather than outright fighting. Her way of thinking boils down to: why fight? If you'd prefer exercise, there are far more pleasant methods of stress relief. It keeps her out of trouble (most of the time), and that's the way she likes it. All-in-all, she's a warm and friendly individual, who loves life and more importantly, wants other people to love it too.
Zahra's often underestimated or written off as flighty and immature, and some part of her prefers this -- it allows her the element of surprise, for one, and it keeps her life uncomplicated and easy. Also, she finds it hilarious to throw people off-guard. On the other hand, she occasionally resents this, because when she is serious, no one seems to take it as such. The choices she makes for herself then, are a double-edged sword.
background: Zahra was born at the dawn of a warm, May day to the newly-wed Gabriel Aurigae and Lyra Harper-Aurigae. Gabriel was from a lesser respected and most importantly, less financially secure Pureblood family. The marriage was at first seen to Lyra's parents as a disgrace -- the notion that their daughter would deign to marry a member of "that Aurigae family" was far outside of their understanding. Lyra, however, was a black sheep to begin with. She'd struck out and away from her family, opting not to go into their prestigious potions business, as all of her siblings had before, and instead decided she wanted to be a performer, an actor. A star. During her struggles in low-bit wizarding theatre, she met Gabriel, a smooth-talking, handsome young man who was smitten with her almost instantly. She rejected him initially ("several times, and in various, amusing ways," she would later tell Zahra), but Gabriel had just begun his upward climb through the Ministry of Magic, he was talented and ambitious, and most importantly, persistent. She fell for him, eventually ("Figured it would only be a matter of time, princess. Your mum gave me a rough start, but she eased up eventually," he would say.) and they married in the spring.
From there, their careers skyrocketed. Gabriel blazed a path through the Ministry of Magic, eventually gaining a coveted position in the Department of International Magical Cooperation, where her mother gained critical acclaim for one of her performances. ("The only way from there was up," Gabriel would tell his daughter later.) Money rolled in, and the Aurigae family, who had been more or less written off as lower class, was now getting attention. Gabriel, his beautiful wife and his adorable daughter would spearhead this revival of their family name, and they handled their ascension to upper class with a surprising amount of good grace, decorum and modesty. Zahra grew up never needing or wanting for anything, with two parents who thought the world of her. Gabriel and Lyra's philosophy was "children will be children," and they both made sure not to burden Zahra with the expectations many pureblood families had for their daughters -- that is, to marry and carry on their family line. They were content with Zahra as she was, and so long as she did what little they asked of her (primarily staying out of trouble), she was free to do what she pleased. As a result, Zahra grew up to be quite the precocious girl. Tucked next to her father during business meetings, or sitting next to her mother during afternoon tea with her glamorous coworkers, Zahra learned a lot about the adult world, perhaps more than she should have. At her heart though, she remained a sweet and caring (if somewhat spoiled) little girl.
The charmed life hit a snag, however, around Zahra's tenth birthday. See, Gabriel had a bit of a wandering eye. And this wandering eye, unfortunately, culminated into a torrid and brief affair with one of his business associates. Lyra found out in short order, and from there the charmed life became a whirlwind of court appearances, pictures pasted in the Daily Prophet, and one increasingly sullen and bitter child being tugged from parent to parent. Zahra watched the arguments, the fights. The splitting of hairs over who received what, the strained cheer of her mother and the defeated posturing of her father. To have the perfect marriage hit a snag, bothered Zahra, in a deep way. The divorce was difficult, and long -- nearly a year before they settled things, and by then Zahra had received her first letter to Hogwarts (which, incidentally, set off another fight with her parents over which school she would attend until she insisted it would be her decision.)
She adjusted well in Hogwarts. She'd always been smart, and charismatic, so friends were an easy thing to come by. In later years, once she'd discovered boys (and girls), there was no shortage of dates either. Her dalliances were kept under-wraps for the most part, and when she returned to her parents, they were (typically) none-the-wiser. At home, particularly around her father, Zahra learned to behave as a proper and perfect little Pureblood girl, so as not to risk embarrassing him. She was allowed a bit more freedom around her mother, but tended to keep most of her...experiences to herself. Her parents, by now, had reconciled somewhat, and so traveling back and forth between the two was much easier.
During Zahra's sixth year, her mother received an acting opportunity in France, and so decided that it would be best for Zahra to transfer to Beauxbatons, as she believed a well-rounded education would be best. ("Expand your horizons, dear. You'll enjoy it!")
And, well. Zahra did expand her horizons. And she certainly did enjoy it...even though she spent most of her time getting laid, and not so much studying and so on. Still, her grades stayed relatively steady, but when her mother had completed her work, she asked to be sent back to Hogwarts. Both her mother and father protested, given the troubles that had befallen the school in recent years, but Zahra, as always, got her way.
Now in her seventh year, Zahra hasn't changed too much. She's still a huge flirt, still insufferably smooth and charming, and still bright enough to get away with most of her silliness.
appearance: Zahra is really tall (almost 5'10") and thin. She's got some nice bone structure going on, and is long-limbed -- long arms, long legs. She's got um, a nice chest too and best believe she is aware of this. She is always pretty aware of how she's presenting herself, so she carries herself well. Her posture isn't perfect, she tends to slouch against things when she is in a relaxed environment, but she doesn't slump her shoulders or drag her feet -- she's very confident, and it shows in her bearing. Her hair is long, blonde and wavy, as well as soft, so she takes a lot of pride in it. It's usually worn as is or styled in loose curls. She has pretty blue eyes.
At school she usually wears the Ravenclaw boys' uniform. The tie is always half undone and there are always a couple of buttons undone for um, easy access. She stays pretty stylishly rumpled. Every now and again she will wear the girls' uniform and again, there are undone buttons and all that good stuff. She's neater in this uniform as well. Probably some fetishy stocking action going on too. She wears jewelry -- her ears are pierced and she often has on a necklace or bracelet of some sort. Outside of school and during breaks her clothing is largely masculine, but that isn't to say she has an aversion to girly clothes -- she likes dresses a lot, particularly in the summer, and skirts. She's never inappropriate with her clothing, mind -- the length of her dresses and so on are enough to titillate and not outright uhh slutty.
Her PB is
Candice Swanepoel.
blood: pureblood.
preferred house: ravenclaw.
why you think they belong in this house? Zahra is bright, witty and communicative. She has a love of words and language, and although her work ethic isn't that of the traditional, studious Ravenclaw, she is nonetheless intelligent. She simply tends to gravitate toward a learning environment that allows for discussion and debate as opposed to cut and dry bookwork. She is creative -- she has a talent and passion for theater and has an interest in musical and artistic pursuits (she appreciates these arts, that is, but is not especially talented at either), as well as aesthetics in general. Most importantly, Zahra enjoys learning. She really is being genuine when she says she likes to expand her horizons. She has a good sense of humor (her jokes may tend toward being suggestive or lewd, but nonetheless...) and is quick to grasp onto new concepts.
She's a thoughtful individual, which seems unusual considering her overall carefree behavior, but she enjoys surprising people with her moments of insight. She knows a lot more than she lets on, in other words.
While she dislikes conflict and would opt to save her own skin over getting in a fight or leaping to the rescue, as well as a bit self-absorbed, she is not very ambitious or driven and never intentionally selfish, so (after lmao, tweaking her personality) Slytherin isn't really the best fit.
school year: seventh.
wand: Mahogany, Chalcedony Powder Core. (phoenix.)
Mahogany - Common.: Good all-around wandwood. Well-suited to Protection Magic. Associated with strength - trees are said to be able to survive even when lightning strikes. The wood has some healing properties; in general considered more inclined to White Magic than others. Users are also considered to be strong in Astronomy. More likely to bond with someone of considerable energy. Some wandmakers consider it a more typically masculine wood, due to some of its medicinal uses.
Chalcedony Powder - Rare. Most often the blue variety, though pink is sometimes used as well. Vitality, stamina, endurance; wands with this core may not be the fastest or strongest casters, but their users are often resourceful and careful magic users. The stone has a focus on brotherhood and reliability, manifesting in a strength for Summoning Magic and White Magic in general. Also very good for Blue Magic. Associated with thoughtfulness, emotional balance and charity. Considered a very strong core for Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
Mahogany is a wand wood that suits Zahra's personality well. It is said to be good at protection magic and white magic, which are both areas that she would excel at. Her name is associated with light ("Zahra" means "brilliance, light," and "Urania" is the muse of astronomy in Greek mythology), and her last name is that of a constellation, so I decided she would do well at Astronomy, and have an interest in it. It's an inside joke of sorts. She is someone of considerable energy, and a lot of her behavior (toward relationships, her manner of dress, etc.) is considered to be traditionally masculine.
Chalcedony Powder: Zahra, despite her carefree attitude, is often very thoughtful and resourceful. She is not the strongest indvidual, but she knows what she is doing with her magic, and is careful not to overexert herself or do anything too foolish. A core associated with vitality, stamina and endurance fits her personality (in addition, she would find this tidbit of knowledge terribly amusing, because she is a pervert.) It is a core that is strong with White Magic, which again, is a field of magic that she is talented in, and it is a strong core for Ravenclaws.
10 8/9th, supple. (3+6+1, 1+7 and 9.)
The Empress (3): Mothering, fertility, sexuality, abundance, material prosperity, pleasure, comfort, power, nature, delight, desire, physical attraction, health, sensuality, beauty, satisfaction.
The Lovers (6): Love relationship, union, passion, sexuality, pleasure, humanism, desire, personal beliefs, individual values, physical attraction, connection, affinity, bonding, romance, heart, choice, doubt, difficult decisions, dilemma, temptation.
The Star (17): Calmness, free-flowing love, trust, tranquility, peace of mind, pure essence, hope, serenity, inspiration, generosity, thinking positive, joy, faith, regeneration, good will, optimism, harmony, renewal of forces.
The Sun (19): Optimism, expansion, being radiant, positive feelings, enlightenment, vitality, innocence, non-criticism, assurance, energy, personal power, happiness, splendor, brilliance, joy, enthusiasm.
All of these numbers represent various aspects of Zahra's personality, and reflect her overall positive, warm attitude. The aspects that pertain to her the most are bolded. The Star and Sun are again, references to her name and affinity for astronomy, where the Lovers and the Empress represent her sexual freedom and affectionate nature. The wand is supple, because haha, that word. That aside, Zahra is quick to adapt and willing to bend or adjust to accommodate others.
quidditch position: Seeker. After she is convinced to do so.
would you like the character to possibly get a higher position? As of right now, no. But she might be wrangled into it later.
why do you want to app this character? Zahra's actually a bit of an experiment! See, she has a bunch of traits that are seen as a-okay with boys most of the time, but with women...not so much. I'm curious as to how people will react to her behavior. That said, she's going to be a hilarious troll I think, and will (with any hope) serve as an interesting contrast between some of the other pureblood OC ladies running around. In addition, she's a vast contrast between Lilith, my OC in-game, and it would be nice to have a fresh breath of air so to speak. As she is sociable and charming, she'd pick up a lot of CR and would be fun to have around.
roleplay samples
journal sample: [There is a moment of humming -- it's pleasant, cheery humming. The person on the other end then clears their throat, and chuckles.
The voice that follows is high-class, well-enunciated, and smooth.] My, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? A year away from this place and one begins to forget the way it looks. [There's a fond sigh.] Home sweet home, as they say. I've missed it.
Now, I'm sure you lot missed me, and I am deeply sorry that you have been denied the pleasure of my company, [She laughs in a good-natured way, to let it be known that she is joking. Mostly.] but Mum thought it'd be a good idea for me to "expand my horizons," so to speak. And Beauxbatons was certainly...a learning experience, I must say. [a pause here. She's reminiscing...]
Ah, but I am going off on a tangent, aren't I? Fellow students, professors, my name is Zahra Aurigae and it is my utmost pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we will all get along, yes? If we've met: I'm looking forward to seeing you again. If not, well. I look forward to meeting you~ You all simply must bring me up to date on what's been going on. Jokes aside, I've heard some upsetting things. [a beat, her tone sobers.] I hope everyone has been doing all right.
[And then she brightens up again.]
Now~ Which one of you big, strong boys wants to help me carry my luggage to my dormitory? I wouldn't be opposed to a girl helping out as well. Equal opportunity and all that.
roleplay sample: A well-worn, but expensive-looking wooden trunk glided silently through the halls of Hogwarts, managing to move about with little difficulty, despite its size. An elegant, young blonde woman was seated atop it, and she smiled and waved at the students as she passed by. The levitation spell had been easy enough, and Zahra hadn't had any desire to carry her own luggage, as heavy as it was. She much preferred it to carry her. She seemed amused at their reactions to her method of travel, unconcerned with the disapproving looks of some of the Prefects she passed, delighted at the amazed expressions of the younger students. She even winked at one of them before she rounded the corner and ascended the stairs to the Ravenclaw tower.
"Coming through! Ah, excuse me, careful now." It was not long before both the girl and her trunk reached the Ravenclaw dormitory, and she removed the levitation spell. Both Zahra and the trunk lowered to the ground with a gentle thump. She stood in one quick, precise movement, loosened the bronze and blue tie around her neck, and stared at the doorway of the dormitories, humming thoughtfully.
"All right, may I have the riddle, then?"
There was a pause, and then a voice emanated from the brass door knocker. "What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?"
"Hmm." Zahra tilted her head, hummed, and then smirked. "Got it. The letter M, right? Easy enough. Mm, you're losing your touch, my old friend. Did you miss me, dearest?"
There was what seemed to be a derisive huff, and then the door swung open. Zahra was more than certain the doorknob would have been more than happy to keep her locked out for the remainder of the school year. It hadn't gotten on too well with her after her fifth year, when she charmed it to tell a number of filthy riddles. It'd been a good laugh, and the detention had been more than worth it.
She supposed even inanimate objects were entitled to their grudges, however.