Poor excuse for an epiphany.

Nov 19, 2004 12:25

I feel as if I have become a bitter shell of a better person I once was. A slow but steady change I've tried to evade for too long. I don't like how I feel, cold and descending. I've become prone to pass judgment quickly, prone to superficiality, I've become an asshole. It's deplorable, and I need to fix this. The question is, where too now ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

sublime_rose November 19 2004, 10:18:27 UTC
Well, i don't know what made you come to this confession, or how long you've been making these realizations, but i'm glad you did.
I'm glad you did because it needed to be realized. I've noticed all your flaws quickly taking over every good part that once glittered off of you. I know it's not gone, but somehow you've allowed yourself to push it away, and while you're doing that you're pushing people away. Although at the same time it attracts people it seems, and i wonder if you are adjusting yourself to their expectations, or if you're just catching their flaws and so they soon become yours. Either way you are bitter, you are cold, descending, and a bit of an asshole. I hope you do find what you need, a road back you yourself, who you really are and who i know you are.
I notice you often continue to remove, re-add or just abolish people from your friends list. Might this have something to do with who you are becoming? I really don't understand what the reasoning could be for it, but then i have never really asked ( ... )


revokedsouldier November 19 2004, 12:46:15 UTC
I'm not going to tell you that you are a bad person, because everyone has their flaws. I don't see you worst than anyone else, I can think of many people who are more synthetic than you have come to realize you are. The good thing is that you acknowledge these things and want to change them, I still think you are a good person. You may be superficial, and other things that you say, but these things are part of your personality, a person many people, respect and care for. I don't know what to tell you doll face, but you know that if you need someone to spill you guts to that I am here for you whenever you need someone, and I acknowledge that I am not the first person you would, or should come to, I just desire to let you know that the option is available.



masochrist_zero November 19 2004, 21:50:25 UTC
You're almost entirely different than when I met you, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Not your friends. Nor enemies. Nor ex-lovers. Doesn't mean I like you any less, obviously, and this isn't some "painful realization that I've been keeping inside for months and months". You looked at yourself from a third person perspective, respectfully, and I'm not going to fuck you up like your other 'friends' do by kissing your ass and saying, "Oh no Dan you're perfect just the way you are!" Sure everyone is different, and we all have our character flaws. But you've clearly addressed your own personal problems and I'm going to help you, because once you hit rock bottom you have no where else to go but up ( ... )


iruka_tamashii November 22 2004, 06:43:34 UTC
I heartily appreciate your honesty. It means more then words.


standyourground November 20 2004, 08:17:54 UTC
dan you said no sympathy so thats not what im gunna give you. but i am gunna tell you what i see in you as a person.when i look at you i see a beutiful person. some one whos willing to except no matter what. but i also see some one who doesn't let any one hurt them... i mean if some one does something to you and you just kinda let it go... i wish i could do that ( ... )


yourbeamingeyes November 21 2004, 18:55:56 UTC
Does he kiss your eyelids in the morning when you start to raise your head? And does he sing to you incessantly from the place between your bed and wall? Does he walk around all day at school with his feet inside your shoes? Looking down every few steps to pretend he walks with you. Does he know that place below your neck that is your favorite to be touched and does he cry through broken sentences like I love you far too much? Does he lay awake listening to your breath? Worried that you smoke too many cigarettes. Is he coughing now on a bathroom floor? For every speck of tile there are a thousand more that you won't ever see but most hold inside yourself eternally.

I think you're awesome Moki.


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