At first, I didn't mind not watching the play but I am soooo glad I did. It was a REALLY REALLY wonderful stage play! The Globe theater is so small! And what's better? Ours were "on hold tickets for authorized personal" how did we get these kind of tickets when they were sold out? The story is quite long but my sis begged my father every single day and minute that my father's friend said he'd try and ask his friend who's a celeb (not TV though) that has a lot of connections. And from what I heard, he talked to someone who works with the stage play stuff and that person talked to the director!
So our seats were S seats, in the middle-ish of row D (
look here) which is really close to the stage and I'm pretty sure it's the best seats because the entire stage was viewable; even though row A is super close, you can't see the entire stage well. There was 2nd and 3rd floor seats. I saw people bring binoculars but I'm sure there was no need for that because the theater is small.
The director, Robert Allan Ackerman, was there with his wife as well as a translator and body guards. Do directors usually watch the entire play with their families? Well, my sis was really eager to ask him for his signature because she's into the entertainment business like what he does.
A bell rang a few minutes before the play started and when it did, there's a loud bang & the light go out!
It started with projected images of trains along with the sounds of the trains. The stage moved (360 rotating stage) and showed the set of the inside of the train. Bruno (Nino in a white suit; wasn't sure if it was him or not at first until the set faced front) sleeping next to Guy in the train and Bruno's head leans on Guy's shoulders in which Guy pushes him away like he's disgusting. Bruno wakes up telling him he's sorry and invites Guy to eat in his room right away after asking where they're at and what he does for a living. Guy's really friendly, like he doesn't mind Bruno much in the beginning. In the book, they sit across each other and Guy's foot accidentally touches Bruno's foot. Instead of Bruno saying sorry, it's actually Guy that says sorry in the book. And Guy was uncomfortable of Bruno from the beginning not that friendly. They didn't talk about him pimple or huge boil lol
It was super smooth how Bruno would drop the golf bag on the floor from the couch and when the alcohol ran out, he'd come out with another bottle from the golf bag. I'm sure that alcohol was water and tea though lol Bruno had ordered a hamburger for Guy but I'm not sure what he ordered for himself because I didn't see him eat. All I know is, Bruno ordered steak for himself in the book.
Bruno talks about how much he hates his father, that his father must've been happy if Guy was his son, nice, quiet, and serious. Unlike himself who "doesn't feel like working, what's the need to if you don't need to?" Then, Bruno says he could've killed his father and asks Guy if he's felt like murdering someone. Guy replies with a no. Bruno contiues saying he does, that he's sure he sometimes could.
When Guy had enough of Bruno's murder talk, Guy was trying to leave but he couldn't find his book, Plato. While Guy was searching Bruno's room, you see Nino's back toward you showing you the book sticking out of his pants. At first, I was like, how did he do that? But now that I think about it, when they went from the train to his room, they probably put it in his pants really quick.
The first time Bruno's mother came out, she was talking to him but he wasn't there. Bruno came out a few minutes later with just a black robe on. Bruno asked his mother to dance but it actually looked like they were just hugging each other and she kissed him very lightly on his lips. It was like 'did they really kiss?' kind of kiss. When his mother noticed the book, she was supposed to say "You have to give it back" but she said "You have to ge- give it back" but she noticed her mistake and fixed it. Also, the stage got stuck once lol
After his mother left, Bruno sat down on a chair and called Guy about the book. Since Nino was wearing only a robe, I was able to see his boxers 89 They were dark green and black stripes XD
Bruno choking Miriam to death was magnificent. Bruno got on top of her, wrapped his hands around her neck and got off of her when he thought it was enough. But she woke up again, making him go on top of her again, choking her until she goes completely lifeless. Bruno runs off when he hears her brother (?) come back calling for her.
Guy was with Anne having a major kissing session, until his mother calls to tell him Miriam was choked to death and that the police wants to speak with him. Bruno comes out after Anne leaves to get Guy's stuff from another room, and talks to Guy, telling him he knows Guy can kill, that anyone can kill. But you then wonderwhen Anne gets back because Anne doesn't see Bruno. So you can tell Guy's seeing illusions.
Guy goes to the police station and gets questioned until a box arrives for him. Guy was alone when he opened the box, a belt. It was from Bruno and there was a letter in it telling him he lost the book so here's a belt that was quite expensive in return, and that he was the one who killed Miriam, ending the letter saying that he knows Guy can murder. (The person receiving the letter would start reading first and then the person who wrote the letter would pop out and continue saying what was written in the letter. I thought that was really nice, how they did it)
When Bruno was looking at the cut-outs of the murder he had done, his mother came in and Bruno was like "look! look!" but his mother was dissapointed with what the newspaper cut-outs that when she left his room, he started tearing apart the newspapers, screaming. As the stage started turning into another scene, you can see Nino still ripping apart the newspaper but then roll on top of the bed and then roll off lol
The first hour and a half ended with Guy shooting Bruno's father with a really loud bang that my sis and I jumped lol
After a 15-20min intermission, it started with Guy half naked with only his boxers on but I wasn't that 8DDD I guess that's why チラリズム is so great..?
Guy was having illusions of Bruno which shows how much Bruno was haunting Guy. Bruno would pop out of the closet with a robe, hood on and Guy threw him to the ground, choking him. But Bruno wasn't dying, instead he was laughing hysterically.
When the police was talking to Bruno's mother, asking her about Bruno's actions and that he knows Bruno is in this mess, Bruno was flattening his body against the wall, listening to their conversation. And while he was pressing his back against the wall, he would quickly scan the audience. I am so positive our eyes met about 4 or 5 times throughout the entire play. For one thing, our seats were "kankeisha (authorized personal) tickets/seats" so he must've known, and the theater is small so I think he tried looking at everyone. My sis said their eyes met as well. You could see where he's looking because of his pupil! Yes, we were that close! Maybe less than 10 feet or so. His face is flawless, looks exactly the way he does on TV XD
At Guy's wedding, Bruno comes again, drunk, and talks with Guy's wife. Guy's wife is fine with him but Guy tells him to get out and never talk to his wife. Even though Bruno knows he shouldn't keep coming back, he does, telling Guy he likes him a lot.
Nino smoked about two times and since I was wondering if he was really smoking or not, I was taking slow deep breathes to try and smell the smoke that came out of his mouth/nose lol He really was smoking. But hopefully, I didn't look crazy XP
Before Bruno died, Nino jumped on the sofa and there was a loud popping sound as if a microphone fell Oo And Nino grabbed Guy's gun from the drawer and was going to shoot himself but Guy tried to stop him, fighting for the gun but instead, that actually killed Bruno. Bruno died saying "Thank you" Guy was like "Nooo!!!!" and kissed Nino on the forehead, chin and then his lips for a really looooooong time! I didn't expect it to be that long! kind of long. The lights went out and you could see Nino move laying down straight, Guy wipe his lips and put the jacket on top of Nino's head lol
But.. the way he had the seizure, screaming "MAMA!! I think I'm going to die!!", with his fingers curled was so realistic.And the part when Nino would go into a corner laughing loud like a maniac was like, OMG... Nino was really good acting as Bruno. The way he acted so naturally made me think that the Nino on stage was actually the crazy Bruno.
I'm pretty sure they weren't using mics though. I didn't see any sign of mics at all so I wonder what that popping sound was when Nino jumped on the sofa lol
The entire cast expect Nino came out, bowing. Then the stage turned, Nino alone, he bowed and the man who played Guy came out a little too early but laughed when Nino laughed and told them to come out. They bowed all together and left. They came out a second time, us audience stood up and kept clapping, they left again after bowing. We kept clapping, they kept coming out bowing like 4 times in total lol
When it actually finished, my sis asked me if she should go ask for the director's sig or not. I told her to go for it, I had given her both my blue and black pens during the intermission. She ran for it. And she got his sig. She said, "Excuse me, if it's not much of a bother, can I please have your signature?" in English, of course. And he replied, "It is because other people will start asking...but ok." She said he didn't show a bothered face because all I saw was a smile from him when she was talking to him. She said that when she got it, other people started opening their pamphlets but he left before anyone else could ask. She has to be the only one who has his sig...for real. Her hands were shaking lol And he used my blue pen 8DD
Please Do NOT take this out of my journal!!
Hopefully, I'm not missing much because I want it as accurate as possible to remember forever XDD I mmight keep adding stuff if I remember anything I missed out XD