My costume is coming along nicely, as shown from the pictures below.
But the more I do on it, the more I realize that what I've got isn't steampunk. Renaissance, yes, postappocalyptic, yes. Steampunk, no. So now I've got to figure out how to add in steampunk elements without immediately leaping for the goggles and gears.
Ideas :
- Metal. Smooth, gleaming brass is very steampunk. No clue where to stick the metal, though, aside from making the boots steeltoed.
- Lights. Rave lights and other such things, such as irridescence, are just the kind of punk element. I need the punk! I'm thinking a belt buckle...
- Pinstriped. Having some pinstriped pants, or a shirt, would add that Victorian element.
- Other punk elements, such as gloves, or getting a more modern scarf than the one I have.