Translation POPOLO 2007 January (Arashi) Round-Table Discussion [Growth] Part 1

Aug 23, 2014 14:35

Congratulation! It's been 7 whole years since your debut

Round-table discussion "You have grown so much!"
[Captain Ohno is getting more and more mysterious..]

Hi!So I've been thinking of how to improve my Japanese skill as I'm not able to continue my study in these several months. I've come to a conclusion that I'll try to do some translations. I was originally advised to do some bangumi reviews, but I don't have enough confidence yet. So here I am, doing some translations. I think by doing some translations then I can learn new vocabularies (my biggest weakness), and I can review my grammar. Also, since it is in the form of transcript, I'll be able to look some unknown words in the dictionary (which I did, a lot to be honest XP).

So, maybe you can already guess, I'm not an expert in Japanese and I need such a long time just to translate this. Thus, if any of you can speak Japanese and do spot mistakes in my translation, please do so. It will help me a lot :)
Ah and also if anyone find any errors in my English, please correct me as well. I'm not good in English either since it is not my mother language. Feel free to give me any advices :)

Lastly, this is a translation from POPOLO 2007 January. I don't know if this has been translated or not. I haven't finished it yet (since it takes me so much time with my skill), but I do think I will give it a try and upload it. Sorry to ruin the fun with cutting it to parts (even not worthy as parts, it too short lol). I promise to post the continuation of this talk (there are 4 themes and I've only done 1). But I can't promise when will it be posted since I'm currently in the middle of my semester. For the scanlation, I don't know if I can put it here or not so I haven't upload it. I'll ask the uploader and post it to the next continuation.

Edit 8/24/2014: I just visited the scanlation website this morning and just realized that this one is apparently from POPOLO November 2006. It's my fault for misreading it. Sorry >.< Also, I checked in the internet and found out that this has been translated several years ago. So, now I'm not sure whether I'll continue this or just look for another article. If any of you want the continuation or other articles, let me know. Thanks :)

Now, enough for the blabs, douzo :)

M : Matsumoto
N : Ninomiya
A : Aiba
S : Sakurai
O : Ohno

Congratulation! It's been 7 whole years since your debut

Round-table discussion "You have grown so much!"
[Captain Ohno is getting more and more mysterious..]

In those debut days, Matsumoto the youngest one is 16 years old. Ohno the oldest one is 18 years old. No matter what it's been 7 years since those days, your face, sense, and personality should have been steadily mature right? Thus, the theme of this month's round-table discussion is [Growth]. The nice bond between this 5 peeple has grown this much too.

Theme 1 : the most mature person is?
M : I've turned into a mature adult. When I'm doing greetings, I've now been able to properly remove my sunglass.(all laugh)
S : wow, that's an adult (laugh).
A : Even though he used to be a little badass (aggressive) before..(laugh)
N : Surprisingly, now he turns into a calm/harmonious person. (laugh)
M : Also, now I like to communicate with other people. I used to hate it before. Thanks to this, I've been able to do my individual job.
S : That's huge. In locations, when all 5 of us together, it's fine even if we don't talk. But it won't work if we do that when we are alone/in individual projects.
M : As usual, leader doesn't talk on locations right?
A : Even if he doesn't want to do it in locations, when go drinking and such he talks a lot (laugh)
M : It's not because of the sake (Japanese traditional alcohol), it's because leader love drinking bars. If it is in a drinking gathering, he even talks casually to a person he doesn't know at all.
S : That's right. There's been a tremendous talk with a boss of a TV station's office. Then, when the gathering ended, he said "next time let's go and eat!"
O : I didn't know if he's a boss! But if we talk in that place, we'll reach mutual understandings.
M : But that's what good about leader.
S : On the other hand, the one who doesn't changed the most since 7 years ago is Nino-chan.
N : Isn't it Sho-chan? In TV and such, Sho-chan's stance doesn't change.
S : It's because, recently, in TV shows, I've changed into a dame character (wry smile). I want people to know the real me soon.
A : That's not it. 7 years have passed, now (the dame character) has been exposed (laugh)
N : That's right. On the contrary, I think it's better if he has it.
S : That’s weird~(wry smile). From what I observe, in those interviews when we debuted, when we were asked questions like "As for Arashi, what’s your dream?", each of us respectively gave the answers but Nino consistently answered "I don’t have things like dream".  I think, maybe, if he gets the same question now, he will give the same answer. I feel somehow he doesn’t seem to change.
M : Even though he was a newcomer, he didn’t have the freshness (laugh). Certainly since that time, he gives that kind of impression.

Below is transcript of the magz scan for those who want it (and for those who are willing to correct me LOL).



デビュー当時, 最年少の松本は16歳。最年長 の大野は18歳。あれから7年たって、顔もセンスも性格も、きっとグングン成長したハズ?というわけで、今月の座談会のテーマは「成長」。5人ナイスな「絆」も、こんなに大きく成長しました。

テーマ1 : いちばン大人になった人は?

松本 俺は大人になったよ。あいさつするときはちゃんとサングラスはずすようになったもん。 (一同笑い)
櫻井 あー、それは大人だ(笑)。
相葉 昔はちょいワルだったのに。。(笑)
二宮 ずいぶん、まるくなっちゃったね(笑)
松本 あと人とのコミュニケーションが好きになった。昔は大嫌いだったけどね。それもこれも個人で仕事をしてきたおかげ。
櫻井 それはでかいね。現場にいても5人ならべつにしゃべらなくてもすむけど、ひとりだとそうもいかないから。
松本 リーダーはあいかわらず現場でしゃべらないんでしょ?
相葉 現場では無口でも、飲み会ではすごいしゃべるよ(笑)
松本 お酒のせいじゃなく, リーダーは飲み会の場が好きなんだよね。飲み会なら全然知らない人ともフツーにしゃべってたし。。
櫻井 そうそう、テレビ局の偉い人と、ものすごく語ってことがあったね。で、会が終わるころには「今度,メシ食べに行こうぜ」って。
大野 偉い人だって知らなかったんだよ。でもあの場で話してたら意気投合したの。
松本 でもそれがリーダーのいいところだよね。
櫻井 逆に7年前から一番変わってないのはニノちゃん。
二宮 それは翔ちゃんでしょ?テレビとか見てても翔ちゃんのスタンスっては変わらないじゃん。
櫻井 最近、俺はテレビではダメダメなキャラになってるからな~(苦笑)。もうそろそろホントの僕を知ってもらいたいよ。
相葉 違うでしょ。7年経って(ダメダメなキャラが)バレテきたんだって(笑)
二宮 そうだよ。逆によくもったほうだと思うよ。
櫻井  おかしいな~(苦笑)。俺がよく見えてるのは、デビューのときの取材で「嵐としての夢は?」みたいなことを聞かれたときのこと。俺らはそれぞれ答えたけ ど,ニノは一貫して「夢なんてないです」って答えててさ。たぶン、今、同じ質問されてもニノは同じように答えるんだろうなって思ったら、なんか変わってな いなあって思ったの。
松本 新人なのにフレッシュさゼロ(笑)。確かに当時からそんな感じだったね。

translation, arashi

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