it's been a while. school sucks, the kids make me feel out of place. i had intentions of writing more, but i've come up short on conversation. so double dutch and listen to new music. oh, and like NWA once put it, express yourself.
i'll be 18 in one month, so that's some shit. i also got the summer camp job as a prep cook. 10 weeks of camping in the yosemite forest area will be good for me.
i hate how you leaving has always been in my head, like a benign tumor. only now, a little less than a month ago it became malignant. pretty soon my whole head will be a cancerous ball of infections and malfunctions.
i don't think i've laughed this hard in a while, and the terrible thing is the fact that it concerns cops and a complete invasion of privacy. guess it's tragically hilarious because i am literally the only witness from the beginning to the end. oh deary me! by the bye, make a wish ;]