Indeed, Caitlin lives. It has been a very, very, very busy month.
The 'rents found out about last semester. ooh boy. That did not go over well... but I suppose it went better than expected. New plan: finish semester, move home and get through an associates degree as quickly as possible, then move out with Glenn.
Spent copious amounts of time with Glenn <3 which was lovely. I'm missing him like crazy now... not even slightly used to being alone in the evening now.
Several major life stressors came to my attention and were duly dealt with. Life moves on. No maiming of any person or creature was necessary. Everyone is alive and ok.
Obi Wan Kenobe and Beowulf have survived the trip back to UConn, and Kevin seems to be doing better as well. :) I'd greatly appreciate a larger tank if someone has one...
And... I feel like there is so much to say... but it can't be said. I'm ok. And that's what matters.