01. Full name: Mathias
02. Best friend: Isabel
03. Sexuality: I cannot say for sure until that time comes. However, had Lady Isabel been born a man, I would gladly follow her to the darkest corners of the earth.
04. Favorite color: Blue.
05. Relationship status: Single. I dare not let Lady Isabel fight evil on her own.
06. Ideal mate: Someone I can look up to for guidance as well as continue the work I do. I would, however, prefer someone who would work with me to vanquish evil from this world. That time will never come, I dare not leave Isabel's side.
07. Turn-ons: The way Lady Isabel deals the finishing blow on an evil-doer works every time.
08. Last sexual experience: ... Excuse me?
09. Favorite food: I enjoy many things... Lady Isabel has been known to enjoy my omelets, however.
10. Crushes: I do not have time for crushes.
11. Favorite music: I have no preference... however, Lady Isabel tends to enjoy upbeat and cheerful music at the local festivals. It places a smile upon my face to see her so happy.
12. Biggest fear: That should Lady Isabel succumb to evil and... No. I will gladly place my own life on the line before that happens.
13. Biggest fantasy: Hmm... I heard there was a dojo in Budehuc. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for Lady Isabel and I to hone our skills.
14. Quirks in bed: I am known to sleep with my eyes open, in the case of being snuck up on by something evil.
15. Bad habits: I am very upfront with people who cannot show even the slightest mannerism infront of milady.
16. Biggest regret: I have yet to make a man out of Euram. As much as he is disliked amongst his peers, he is an embarrassment to the Barows family.
17. Best kept secrets: Lady Isabel is the only person I can trust with my life.
18. Last thought: Is the nearest lake suitable should Kyle turn face again?
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Lady Isabel had been out seeing other men on Valentines... I worry for her.
20. Biggest insecurity: I have no insecurities at this time, but that does not mean losing milady to another gentleman has not crossed my mind...