I had just seen a predicted nightmare......
Knowing. Watched after knew Nicolas Cage as the main actor.
Story and Concept : 8.0
It's about the end of the world. And then, it was also a story of broken-home family. A widower MIT lecturer and his dumb 9 years old son. Back to 50 years ago, a kind-of-possessed young girl who attend school in the same school with the main character's son 50 years ago that kind of receive some messages of the mysterious whisperer. And signs of numbers. Damn, it's hard to mention if we watched it not seriously. 10 at first, cut 1 because loss originality and cut 1 for standard end.
Background Time, Place, and Concept : 10.0
Oh, man. I cannot comment about this. At first, the 1959's Massachusetts Elementary School's feel is catchy. The greatest parts are the deadly accidents. From the fallen plane, crashed subway train, and the exploded sun radiation. It makes me trembling for whole the movie.
Ah, don't forget the ufo-like effects. It's awesome, fabulous!
I hope it's not my 'dejavu' dream...
Feels : 8.2
It almost caught my moved attention. Just, the family ending makes me remembered about how warm the feel of family is.
Music : 8.3
I don't too hear the music since story caught my attention at all. But I think it's nice enough. But it was too loud when the end part....
Overall : 8.625
Similarities : The Day after Tomorrow, War of The Worlds, Babylon A.D
Hope it's nice, Proyas-san :) Awesome, Cage-san and friends! XD
Feel want to watch Angels and Demons also X-men Origination today..
*sneak sneak*