If only Fez had been one, small, short year older, I could have had the most amazing experience of my life.
Of any man's life.
I cannot remember their names-- their real ones, that is, since I never learned them. To me, they were only "Foxy Lady", "Hot to Trot" and "Nice n' Easy".
This was the time of Kelso's horrible, horrible van. The machine was rusted, dirty and smelled very much like the floor of the Point Place High School gymnasium. The interior was covered in patches of brown shag carpeting.
It was, as you can imagine, the source of much jealousy upon my part, I must confess.
Kelso had somehow managed to not electrocute himself and installed a C.B. radio into the van, and our first contact with the wonderful world of the Citizens' Band was a trio of sexy-voiced girls. Needing some kind of special names, Hyde decided on a television program I had never seen, naming himself "Linc", naming Kelso "Pete", which meant I was "Julie".
There was much flirting over the radio, and even though their voices were sexy, there was some question over whether or not they were, in fact, fat. Or ugly. And when we traveled to meet them and saw the three old women, Hyde and Kelso very stupidly left.
I meant what I said. Sometimes, older women can be very, very grateful.
But, as it turned out, the girls were all young. And very beautiful.
And gymnasts.
They, too, had a van. And for some time, there was only Fez and the girls. There was a great deal of what my host parents would have called "inappropriate touching of no-no places". I called it heaven, especially because I was not doing the inappropriate touching of myself for once.
However, when the proceedings took a turn down "Penthouse Forum Road", it was suggested that things would be much better if we had something to drink. I, of course, would not dream of making a woman pay-- you know, unless she wanted to-- but alas, America has decided that I was not old enough to buy alcohol.
At least they were nice enough to drop me off.
Goodbye, "Foxy Lady". You will be missed, "Hot to Trot". I will never forget you, "Nice n' Easy".