Following the herd with thanks to
theashwake, here's my small list of things to know about Isandare Blackwell.
ETA: I keep adding a few more as I think about it and read others' posts. *cough*
1. Isandare's name was the name I had for an extremely minor character in a bit of story I wrote years ago, and I thought I’d reuse it. Also, Isander is a Greek boy's name which means protector of men. ETA: I always pictured it being pronounced as rhyming with Alexander, check, but with a short I sound.
2. I wanted to level him as fury but was counselled against it. Thus, arms. Which I ended up in love with. And, later, protection. Both of which fit his personality better than fury would have had, actually.
3. His mother gave him the carved metal token that he always wears at his belt. (OOCly, it's carved with the Futhark rune for isa. If you're curious, look up the meaning when used in divination.)
4. His surname, Blackwell, came from a list of old Anglo-Saxon names. Something that sounded very traditional to contrast with the first names.
5. His weakness is good food. (And tea, but you knew that already.) But he's merely a functional cook - it's passable, nothing special. Mostly stuff that can be easily cooked in a pot over a campfire.
6. A goblin on the tome named his panther because he's dismal at naming things. His mounts all have names like...Horse. Drake.
7. He has a terrible temper, but he keeps it firmly under wraps for a variety of reasons, a large part being his dislike of losing control.
8. The responsibility for carrying on the Blackwell name as a family of skilled jewelcrafters weighs on him from time to time. There is no workshop in Darnassus for his nieces to grow up in, and he's having trouble establishing himself in Stormwind because of differing regional tastes.
9. His pack always contains, among the usual gear and detritus, a pre-Second War book of poetry from various races. It's a memory of a time when the Eastern Kingdoms weren't as torn as they were (at least from a young boy's point of view). Before the Gilnean Wall went up, before the Scourge.
10. He likes making his friend Clarabel Turnbull splutter. Only the most gentlemanly teasing, of course.
11. The manners and education were beaten into him so well that for him, it'd be like stopping breathing to drop them at all.
12. His pack also has: A gnomish portable jewelcrafting kit that runs on arcane batteries. He's not sure how it works, but it does. A lucky charm. Probably doesn't work, but just in case. Soap on a rope and a grooming kit. A gentleman always takes the opportunity to scrub up whenever possible. Emergency rations of dried meat, just in case. Mining tools if he runs across a promising node.
13. He knows he's going to have to have children someday. The thought of continuing the family name is a powerful one, but he's not too hot about the whole business of courting and marriage.
14. When his knees ache after an outing or from sleeping rough, he wonders, sometimes, about the years lost to the forests of Gilneas. What did he do? What did he see? He doesn't think he should be this old just yet. Then he reaches for another cup of tea or project to distract himself. One does not discuss such unpleasantness.
15. Aching knees and stolen years aside, Isa seems completely human, except when his eyes catch the light just right. They reflect the light like a wolf's eyes would.