75 Supernatural 14 Teen Wolf 17 Joss-verses (Marvel, Angel, Buffy, Firefly) 03 Misc Sci Fi (Sleepy Hollow, Farscape) 16 Queer As Folk ===== 125 icons, total
These are fantastic!! I especially love the art movements ones. Your interpretations of the theme are awesome!! Saving a whole bunch of SPN ones and will credit when used ♥
I never studied French so I am trusting Google translate got the gender correct on the words and that I'm not saying the equivalent of "I am a donut." *fingers crossed*
You can uncross your fingers, Google had it right (for once) ;) And this is definitely not just a car.
Fantastic batch ! I love your imagination. I'm snagging so many, it will take some time to choose which ones to use. Thanks for sharing your talent with us again :)
Woooww!! I can't remember the last time I saw an amazing icon post like this! So much creativity and I just adore the way you use color. I will definitely be considering snagging some of the Supernatural ones. :D
Comments 82
I've snagged a lot and will credit you as they're uploaded.
What does the text on the car (Surrealism) mean?
I want to say it means "This is not a car." or "This is not just a car." But my French is very rusty.
The text on the Impala Surrealism icon means (or so I hope): This is not a car.
It's an SG-1 patented rip-off homage to a long-admired work of surreal art, Magritte's The Treachery of Images
I never studied French so I am trusting Google translate got the gender correct on the words and that I'm not saying the equivalent of "I am a donut." *fingers crossed*
Fantastic batch ! I love your imagination. I'm snagging so many, it will take some time to choose which ones to use. Thanks for sharing your talent with us again :)
Thank you for taking the time to comment. ♥ I appreciate it muchly. :)
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