Today I had the appointment at the gynaecologist. Good guy found out why I'm hurting.
I don't have one problem, no, there are at least two.
First he asked me if there was a chance of me being pregnant. I told him, no, otherwise I'd pop a new Messiah out in a few months. He was a bit irritated about this. I wonder why...
But to the things we found out:
No.1: I have an infection of my bladder. Again some stupid bacteria, which won't leave me alone for years now. They always come back. Hate it. Some antibiotics for a start should cure this.
No.2 is even better: The thing causing all the pain while walking and keeping my belly kinda swollen is a cyst. 5 cm in diameter, pressing on my right ovary. Which means, I have to take hormones for the next two weeks, which will have gaining weight and storing some more water in my body as nice side effects. That or an operation. Guess I try the hormones first... *grumble*
But the fun part: puking my lunch out and feeling sick for two days has nothing to do with all of the above. There might be even a No.3 waiting around the corner...