First Whovid!

Sep 05, 2010 23:25

So after a very long hiatus from fanvid making, I've decided to jump right back in by switching fandoms. Yay! The result is a Ten2/Rose fanvid set to Scala and Kolacny Brothers' cover of the song "Heartbeats".
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Comments 4

gwenchoco September 9 2010, 17:24:20 UTC
isaytoodlepip September 15 2010, 23:26:47 UTC
Sorry for being late with this, but thanks so much for commenting :)


emraldeyedauter September 15 2010, 22:24:28 UTC
Very nice. They wouldn't have had it easy but they got their happy ending I feel.


isaytoodlepip September 15 2010, 23:26:24 UTC
Thanks :) I do tend to think they'd have a rough start at things but I'm ever hopeful that they'd work it out in the end and have an amazing long life together.


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