[The Dreamberry turns on to show a shirtless Jace grinning at the camera. He's covered in Marks that look like black runes tattooed onto his skin. However, he makes them look good. (Which he knows.) Setting the Dreamberry down on a table, he turns around and walks to a door.
Very quickly it becomes obvious that he's completely naked even if someone watching can only see the backside of him.
He knocks on the door.]
Hey, Jessamine! I need your help with something!
[There's movement on the other side followed by
Jessamine's voice shouting back at him, "Oh what do you want, Jace?" She opens the door then.
Covers her eyes.
And screams.
Slamming the door in his face, people can hear her screaming "YOU'RE TERRIBLE, JACE LIGHTWOOD! ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE!" His reaction, of course, is to laugh. Stepping back, he grabs his Dreamberry (don't worry, people, you don't get to see between his legs) and grins at the thing before shutting it off.]
And that is how you deal with a Victorian brat.