Late night post in which BloodRayne agrees to not make Stein's job difficult and Roxy Spaulding is grossed out by the screw Mason wonders about frogs taking over the world Donna and Rose crash land the TARDIS which Stein then wtfs over the inside being larger than the outside and Rabi talks inanely some with the mad scientist 14th
Alfred/America proves to be an interesting specimen 20th
Soma Pieres and Joshua (TWEWY) are watching a mysterious box that rejects zombies apparently Meanwhile, Watanuki and Stein bond and adopt each other 21st
Watches Castor heal Ticky with bond-thing from Shigure Ticky and Rociel are injured sadists lolz 24th
Welcome to the insanity club, Shigure Harassing Alfred/America while messing with Halloween decorations is go Harassing Negi while messing with Halloween decorations is go... until his loli mafia comes More inane conversation with Rabi until they get to talking about Bookmen 27th
CLAMP Halloween Post - Harassing Apollo about that retraining order again CLAMP Halloween Post - Watanuki follows Stein around with some cider :> CLAMP Halloween Post - Delirium shows Stein what a Domo-kun-kin is and it gets punted after biting Stein Co-Posts
15th -
Azuma/Bunshichi/Tarou/Stein are all out playing in the messhall~ Xingba, Goofy, Akira Kogami, Richie Osgood Foley, Canaan.
2nd -
Bored mad scientist is in need of a volunteer~ Urameshi Atsuko, Rabi, Hakuren, Domyoji Tsukasa, Devit, Peppo, Lupin, Ren, Natsume Maya, Kurenai Wataru, Jomy Marquis Shin, Raine Sage, Matsumoto, Reimu, Ayanami, Ishida Ryuuken, Kei, Elizabeth, Nogami Ryoutarou, Fuuma, Graham, Kira Sakuya, Akira Kogami, Chiaki Hayasaka, Soren, Itou Kaiji, Makino Tsukushi, Watanuki, Cloud, Ahito, Mao, Deadpool, Sebastian Michaelis.
20th -
Training-exercise thing and voyeurs! Ren, Cecile, Urashima Keitaro, Graham, Koizumi Risa, Deadpool, Ion, Arisugawa Rena, Kanako Ohno, Watari, Nara Shikamaru, Amidamaru, Ty Lee, Blair, Watanuki, the Captain, Ayanami, Kyouraku Shunsui.
26th -
Hospital post after cutting Graham up good. Graham, Seki Rei Shiroe, Hakuren, Senji Kiyomasa, Azula, Peter Petrelli, Watari, Watanuki, Peppo, Umi.