Meme stolen from
asti-chan What's going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Would you eat a cockroach for your last ex if they asked you?
What friend do you tell the most to?
How's your heart lately?
okay, I think
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My sister.
What are you listening to right now?
Scrubs @ tv
Have you ever punched a hole in the wall?
Where were you at 2:00 this morning?
Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes?
Maybe the women-toilet?
Do you wear glasses?
What's in your cd player?
I don’t have one.
Anything annoying you right now?
If you could do something differently, would you go back?
I don’t think so. I am what I am because of what I did, and I’m mostly satisfied with it.
What will you be doing in a half hour?
Still answering in LJ.
Who is the last person you talked on the phone with?
my mom
Are you going anywhere for the next summer?
Did you have plans today?
Answering comments, finish some paperwork, making lunch, writing a review.
Are you waiting for anyone's call right now?
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
Do you regret something you did yesterday?
Favorite quote from the song you're listening to?
No song right now
What kind of bottoms are you wearing?
No bottoms^^
How many windows are open on your computer?
10 (5 LJ entries, word, thunderbird, and my supernatural-folder)
Story behind your myspace name?
no myspace
Story behind your lj-name?
I was looking desperately for a name. All my usual internetnames were already registered so I went through some of the games I played. And there was this girl “Isha”.
Is something bothering you right now?
Are you sarcastic?
Yes, sometimes a little bit. If I am it confuses people^^
Are you shy?
Are you talkative?
What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to the office which I will finish the papers for today.
Where did your last hug take place?
In Anke’s home
Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past month?
When was the last time you smiled?
When I read in the morning a report about the LJ-con of Supernatural
Do you secretly like someone?
No. The people I like know it.
Who was the first person you talked to today?
No one yet.
What are you looking forward to?
Having some nice days with Anke
Do you fall for people easily?
What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Have you ever kissed anyone named Trey?
Who was the last friend you rode in a car with (not family)?
How late did you stay up last night and why?
10 PM. I was tired^^
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Do you prefer to call or text?
To text. I don’t have to talk so much then^^
When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
The day my grandma died…
Can you live a day without TV?
Yes (I still have my computer, right?)
Do you regret doing anything this week?
Who did you last talk to for longer than 10 minutes on the phone?
I have no idea. Probably my sister. Or Anke^^
Would you ever become a vegetarian?
Last person you went to the movies with?
I can’t even remember the movie o_O I guess it was “Watchmen” and I went there with my sister(s) and Sandra (a friend if mine)
How often do you talk on the phone?
As little as possible
What is wrong with you right now?
What do you wear to bed?
A Shirt and light pants
What is the longest you have been in the car for a road trip?
around 9 hours
Have you ever been around someone who was high?
No (or I don’t know)
Have you ever played a Wii?
Yes, it’s fun^^
How many months are there until your birthday?
3 ½ months
Did you like anyone last summer?
Like? I like a lot of people. If it’s about falling in love, no.
Meme found on
vanilla_rousse 1.What are you afraid of? eg. flying,crowded places,hights ets.
Speaking in front of many people
2.Do you do anything to help control your fear? (if yes,what?)
Yes, take deep breaths and think about something, I’ll do after the speech.
3.Do you enjoy a challenge at work/school/ in your leisure time?
Not so much at the time. I have enough challenges in work and school^^
4.What is the biggest challenge in your life at the moment?
Succeed in my school and keep the work going the same time
5.What you would like to choose: Mental Strenght or Physical Strenght and tell me why?
Mental strength. Because I like to be smart instead of strong. Why be strong if you can’t to the right things with it because you don’t know what’s right?
6.Whould you like to going up-Mountains or going down-deep Ocean?
Ocean. I love the water.
7.How long do you think you could survive in the wilderness?
Maybe two days? How long can someone survive without water? ^^
8.What survival skills do you have?
Not very much. Just a view I picked up from MacGyver when I was young and saw it on tv^^
9.Could you build a shelter in the forest?
Maybe. I never tried.
10.Do you always push yourself in difficult situations?
No. The situations come all by themselves.
11.Would you like to go on one of the courses at the Hillside Survival School?
I never heard of it, but just by the name? No.
12.What is the most dangerous situation you have ever been in? What happened?
I have no idea.
13.What is the most interesting place you have been to?
Don’t know^^
14.Who is your best friend? Why is he/she is your friend?
Anke and Sandra. Because I like being around them and I can talk about everything with them. And there are really not many people I like to be around for such a long time. (I know Anke for around 6 years and Sandra all my life)
15.Who is the most famous person you have ever met or known?
I don’t think I ever met someone famous.
16.Where you'd survive?
a) in forest
b) up a mountain
c) in a desert
Probably in a forest. At least there might be some plants to eat…
17.Would you like to try...
or maybe you have some different?
I’d like to go sailing. *_*
18. Would you take this meme and post on your livejournal?;)