"Abandoning your own child at home to breast feed a baby ape in the forest"
It's an old Malay saying, which I (and a few others) feel is quite apt to describe the Suffiah Yusoff issue. It describes the situation where people are more concerned about the slight suffering of others far away then about real suffering/concern right in front of them
For those who don't know, don't care and are not Malaysians, you can read up on it here: (LINK NOT WORK SAFE)
http://stephanella.multiply.com/journal/item/66 Anyway to summarise, Suffiah was a child prodigy who got into Oxford like around 10 years ago when she was only 12. Her father was British-Pakistani, Mum was Malay from Johor. She became an overnight sensation here ( Malaysia) and was proud testament to mums and dads (here) that forcing your kids to study all day and controlling them WILL give you brainiacs. She was the epitome of the can-do-anything Malaysia Boleh spirit!
I was damn jealous of that little bitch when she got to Oxford (be advised I was at the beginning of my long, unending resignation to the fact that I will never, ever go back to the UK...Life sucked and I had no AC at the time in my room.)
Well a couple of years later, maybe two years later I dunno (don't care really) Suffiah in Oxford disappeared. She sent an email talking about physical and mental abuse at home. People thought she'd been kidnapped, brainwashed by a hedonistic cult that engaged in promiscuity and substance abuse (aka her friends) or bizarrely as claimed by her family, by people out to get him and his family.
Then the British police tracked her to a cybercafe. She refused to go back to her family and was put into social care.
That's it for the child prodigy. But then the recent arrest of her father on two counts of molestation (15 year old girls) and now the expose that Suffiah is a prostitute who charges 130 pounds (how do i make the pound sign? gah) and who happens to prefer older men, has pushed her into the limelight again. Sadly.
Ok I am not as heartless as i make myself out to be. Her story is pretty tragic and harrowing. But, true to form, our press (Malaysia here) went on and on about it. And since Suffiah is Malay and nominally Muslim and was a prodigy, her story got front page coverage in the Malay dailies (Utusan Malaysia). There were commentaries from sociologists, psychologists and a few dumb politicans. All sympathetic of course. All calling for Suffiah and her family (mom and siblings) to be brought back to Malaysia, so they can undergo rehabilitation in Islamic surroundings.
Really. Lol wut?
Already the there are plans being submitted to have a report prepared to be given to the PM on Suffiah's predicament. Oh sure let's give the man notorious for sleeping during cabinet meetings and important business a paper on something that is at best, not even our god damn business since Suffiah is a BRITISH citizen now. He can barely cope with the workload as is, now give him more.
The notion that the Mom and her kids would want to come back? I mean why the hell would they? The kids are at least late teens and over. No way would they just transplant themselves to Malaysia to undergo religious rehabilitation (aka 'brainwashing').
The Umno Youth Club in the UK have already notified their 4000 members to try and identify where Suffiah is located. But since the majority are students, they won't enter any 'red-light districts'...I mean you just have to laugh. Waste their time on a woman (yes a 23 year old woman) who isn't a Malaysian, is probably an agnostic or atheist by now (I don't blame her)who doesn't want to be found and who cut all ties with her family and culture (her family also cut all ties to her, not attending her wedding).
They've already sent an Ustaz (religous teacher) to see the mum. But he's going to ask someone to sponsor him since he cant afford a long stay.
This is where the saying comes in. On the day the Suffiah story broke out, the Star had a report on three dead babies found in the street, in bushes and under stairs. Clearly unwanted pregnancies. Yet there is no outcry, no attempt to find immediate solutions to the problem of unwanted pregnancies. No calls for rehabilitating or counselling young mothers or girls. No debate or discourse on safe-sex practices, or issues of children born out of wed-lock.
All the do-gooders are too busy making noise about Suffiah the ex-Malaysian prodigy in England whose shame has tainted us ALL, the problem of innocent babies being left to die HERE because no-one wants them is just not important enough.
Imagine, babies dying not important. Nobody gives a damn about them. And we call ourselves Muslims. It's disgusting.